2010年1月4日 星期一

What Ken and Ignite teach me

Today , in the morning, my session with Ken - a formal colleage in Sony Music is a learning process toward the coaching business. Ken and his partner Vincent co-run the Brand , Marketing and Sales consulting firm 5 years ago, I made an appointment with Ken for better understanding of coaching market ( well, if there exist ) in Taiwan.
Ken is not so sure about the executive coach market in Taiwan as the scale is limited and those who are C-Plus hold the personality difficult to be trained.. I do understand such a situation in Taiwan and won't mind to know more about the market.

Ignite ( Vincent's consulting firm ) founded the company 15 years ago specialise in Auto Industry, then gradually developed his style of consulting -- such as co-up with Brand D.N.A - a US base branding specialized firm, and Cemili - a sweedish company develop the game - interactive business strategy tools , according to Ken, there are 3 types of service they do:
1. The Brand Readiness Tool with facilitation
2. The Marketing and Sales modules with interactive tools
3. Customized consulting service

They quote a 75.000 NT per day / per person fees and provide the program at the price of 400.000 nt with trainee up to 30 , I need to team up with company such as Ignite which will help me in polishing my product and tools development.. this is a very interesting game.
Following were memos I took after the 90 minutes conversation:
@ basic : Brand DNA US /  Celimi Swissland / interactive tools and product development
@ 3 types of consulting : brand readiness tool for accessment / interactive games for engageing service / industry domain for customization
@ fees for a day : 75000 plus program fees and document / product total 400000 for scale 24 - 30
@ vincent is good in product design and tool development

in the afternoon, I sent my coach application form to Good Stone - the company with Marshall Goldsmith, I am not sure what will happen next. and to John and Barry - inquiry about swift 180...

From Leading Newsletter

I browsed Marshall Goldsmith site : with the title " Library ", it contained almost all of his writing archive as free resource for everyone.. an executive coach and member to Peter Drucker Foundation, Marshall don't mind anyone steal his work, as long as he can control his heart and soul; as a matter of fact, this must be a great way to market his coaching business, as I want to be a coach myself, to worship Marshall and to learn how he got what he get today is essential. there are tone of knowledge to be qualified as executive, I am not sure whether there is a ' Market " in Greater China and who will be seem as the leading coach in this part of the world.

Goodstone is the corporation Marshall co-found as the coaching service consultancy, I will try to apply and see how I can learn from Marshall and developing what I love to do - not MVP any more, but to be the best coach. here after are information I extracted from the leading newsletter:

Marshall Goldsmith said that the success of projects depends as much upon relationships as it does on strategy. In fact, our communication is our biggest point of leverage, bar none. Sixty per cent of mergers and acquisitions fail to produce return on investment due primarily to the difficulty in combining organizational cultures - a process that depends heavily on consistent communication and understanding the various frames of reference of all parties. It is yet another example of "the soft stuff driving the hard stuff.

Coach's tip: Ask yourself: how do you know how well you communicate? How clear are you about your impact on others? Ask your stakeholders for feedback and then for feedforward (suggestions for improvement) about what you do well and how to improve. Remember, your communication is a knowledge engine for your company! Finally, ask yourself - how would communicating even better benefit both me and my organization? What are the "hard" profits that will result from developing this "soft" competency?
Remember, as Peter Drucker points out, organizations are no longer built on force. They are increasingly built on trust. And trust has much to do with the quality and clarity of our communication as leaders.

Tribute to Peter Drucker (1909 - 2005) by Marshall Goldsmith
At one meeting of the Board of the Peter Drucker Foundation, I asked Peter, "You have written so much about mission - what is your mission?" He laughed and replied, "My mission is to help other people achieve their goals - assuming that they are not immoral or unethical!"