2010年1月13日 星期三


Coffee with Kevin Lin yesterday morning as Starbucks, this is a long break since I saw him, Kevin - as the world record keeper of Extreme Marathon is the guy who really want to climb to the top of his life, be an entrepreneur as his best, I didn't continue relationship with him due to his way of forming a PR / Event company which I am not favor of its nature : someone stealing corporate resource and turn it to his own and manipulate to a private company for their own interest... this is not what follow my Principal. now , I am ease with any business condition, as long as I am not one of them, to witness what happen in front of me won't get me allege anymore. this is why I initiative the call and tried to explore my idea of co-op with Kevin for the coaching-consulting development.

Kevin is doing good, according to his expression, and he is interested in what I proposed : to produce a multi-media enabled motivation speech with my Success D.N.A derive concept and package it to a multiple sales mechanism : Selling the Motivation Speech as a show, selling the coaching material as a tool, selling the community as a commercial endorsement, selling the certificate as the Central kiching but in service industry. Kevin is working on 2011 Silk Road Exploration, it well fit the time slot for the product and program development, although David Du is a bit hesitate about my idea, but I can smell the market and will like to kick off this program.

Met with Eugenia and we have a very long conversation, close to 3 hours, she share almost every detail of her growth, how she see the value in her, the family and some accidental development of her life, what surprise me the most is when learn the story about the acquainting between me and Celine, something touch or stitch to her heart. her eyes were wet. nevemind, I am happy to gain her back and be the partner in life and family family for good. her advise about 11 street consultation put me in the freezer, the analysis she made and share help me understand that the consultation to 11 street is a waste of time and it won't be a happy ending. which means, my estimate of 60000 income will be write off.. this really bother me.

in the afternoon, follow Sinyi for the land collateral process, Mr. Lin worked in sinyi for 20 plus years, a nice and professional person. he met me at Shin Kong Life Insurance Building , taken all the material then to Wan Han District office,now the first step of rearrange house mortgage is complete.

Fruit turn crazy and become hysteria late last night, broke things at the family bathroom again, I decided not to talk to her, really she is the pain in the ass, a real trouble which no one can believe. the hard time should gone in 2 years once she graduate from vocational senior high. I wish her mother can be ease then.

2010年1月11日 星期一

What Matters

David Du called early this morning, he asked the update of my decision, actually, I didn't think much about his suggestion as it was his own idea, however, the develop of his idea grows day by day, first he mentioned it to David Yang, and then to his wife Alice, last night, he even escalate it to his father, founder of Du's family business. as he kept promote the idea of having me to act as a new administrator to his family business, my silence to his idea may cast a Shadow to the family trust, as the senior Du at his 90th already, it's time for him to take over the entire family business. as an outsider, I don't know what games /strategy David is thinking. but if I join his family business, the road map I can see is he should be escalate to the Chairman of the corporation and to have his father take the honorable seat at the picture, it will foster the succession plan.

David is not comfortable about my in-depth talk with Roxane from Nike, that's Saturday morning before YPO new year discussion, I touch upon the coaching idea and the potential market in China. David is so sensitive about my lean in China market, not because of the Green nature, but for the reason I turn down Sinyi's offer - station in Shanghai for 3 years.. as for Kevin's motivation speech market development, he raised the basic concern, what if Kevin agree with my idea, then what's next for me to conduct the how and what to, Do I prepare the investment fund to support this initiative? if such an initiative is similar to entertainment or live concert business, what not take a less risk, more positive one? I hardly can elaborate more since there are too many unknown / uncertain in the live concert environment, there's no way for me to make any mi skate, what Daniel can do is more than the budget controller. this is what I need to tell him.

David raise his voice and illustrate the 3 alternatives I may consider taken in next 15 years, yes, the picture is clear and vivid, what he propose is the better road ahead of me. what I need to do is to list down a check list, a what matter list and a priority and weight mechanism before making another decision, remember, communicating before commitment, this is essential today, never made the mistake before. really.

From CoachVille

A brief history...
Thomas Leonard - the founding father of the Coaching Industry - founded CoachVille in 2001 with the mission to improve the quality of coaching worldwide. In 2002 we launched our first Coach Training program - the Graduate School of Coaching - with the idea that anyone with the right make up and strong desire could become an effective Coach very quickly. Since that time we have trained over 4,000 coaches and our training has evolved into the program you are reading about right now.

You will start coaching in the very first class!
The only way to get really good at doing something is by doing it! Our super learning method is called DTMOPP - which stands for Desire, Theory, Method, Observe, Practice and Perform. Every session follows the same pattern and includes observing real coaching followed by you coaching one of your colleagues. You will be coaching well within weeks.

If you opt for the fast track path to completion, expect to invest about 10 hours per week inluding class time, study time and coaching time

The 3 Pursuits of Coaching
When you set out to become a Coach, you sign on to support people in the pursuit of the things that matter most to them - like family, business, career and romance. Along the way you help them become the person they have always wanted to become. It takes dedication and courage to Coach, and the rewards can be both financial and priceless.

The craft of Coaching has three primary pursuits:

The Pursuit of Human Greatness
Begins with a vision of achievement and evolves into becoming an inspiration for others
The Pursuit of the Flow State
The place of fluidity and grace where the desired results occur as the natural byproduct of full self- expression
The Pursuit of Personal Evolution
Our ultimate purpose as a community is to forward humanity one person at a time.

Julie and Julia

This is my second time to Julie and Julia, my first time saw the movie was on the plane back to Taipei, this time, after 5 weeks, I brought Fruit and Meiling to the second run movie theater - Cha Cha and enjoy the big screen again. Fruit join us for a purpose : to buy her a shoe after the movie. She is not willing to do good things with her in order to conduct some CHANGE, but to trade with money. right now, this is the only way to force her do things WE thought good for her... a one sided thinking.

Julia and Paul loved each other so much, Julie set a great goal to follow a virtues mentor to a life change action. it cause me thinking what's the driver in me to help me change? the first book came out it 48 days, how to make my change a monitor able and feasible development in front of me. using blogging is a good method.

after the movie, we went home by 9:00 pm, I began to clean the dinner table, and make it a Forum Training Only place, and start to break things to the folder and re-organized what I must do. this is a good start , Meiling shared with me on bad in regard to my current body condition, yes, there are some problems and I shall overcome.

Fruit said something about : I am racing with the time, I am not fully agree with her viewpoint but reluctant to educate her, she is worried about her future wealth, she is to lust and irresponsible to almost everything. I should not make comparison between Sound and Fruit again, it won't improve the father and daughter relationship, but to increase the gap in between.

Meiling do the house cleaning on Saturday, it was the first time since 10 years ago, it really take time and energy to clean this big house, she spent 8 hours to do it, I went home around 3 pm and give her my hand. well, I am not good at this but tried so hard to prove that I am willing to assist. she didn't want to talk to me, by 8:30 pm she went out for dinner, I followed her out and asked her why so cold to me? she replied with a shock to me : These day, she said: you don't bring me any hope, it there's no hope in life, why should be stayed with you? Yes, the emotional reaction cause by the mixing of my career turbulence : change the business plan, not yet identify where to go and what to do, in the low mode for too long, I can sense it and what I need is a supporter , on the other hand, she also need a supporting role model like me.. just like Julia and Paul, how they support each other, as great couple and great person. to me, that's the true value of construct a family and to spend life together.

Digging the coaching market is like swimming in the wide sea, it's time to settle with the idea and turn it to a workable business and design a few program / product as well, time is not on my side, I can only work harder.. much harder.