2010年2月12日 星期五

Day before year of the Tiger

I decided to take Sound to movies before Chinese New Year, the one day Indoor outing make our relationship even closer. Go to the movies on Chinese New Year is a routine I developed ( or perhaps most of Chinese ) for decades. I remembers when I was in high school / colleage, made appointment with Wei Kou Lieng and go to the movies together on Luner New Year was a tradition, after the first screeing, either he came to my house for lunch, or I did it the opposite way, then switch to dinner each other, it goes for years and the memory kept in my heart for years. Now, I had a new companion - Sound, I don't know how long this routine of new partner can last... I recalled a title of a book " The validation for parent and children relation is 10 years ", I am lucky to have the longest winter vacation in life and spend really quality time with Sound this winter.

We had a few plans in mind : go to one movie, take some new year gift from csr community office and go to another movie. when waited for the MRT, I discussed with Sound what is the appropriate way to do with the gift, he said we should leave it to csr community colleage since we were there pick up gift once already ( or twice ), we had this conversation yesterday, my response is " What if we found some gift fit his mother ? " we may keep it for our own and distribute rest of the gifts to others... finally, we agree on this is not a good way to handle this issue, if we left what we are no interested in, how will people think? not checking any gift, we won't have the preferance of taking any of them... Sound is mature enough to deal with this issue.

And he disclose 2 interesting thought to me, one is his business idea, he want to build companies, earn enough money, then hand it over to other and start to Play - enjoy what he is interested. my response to him is " The real case in life is, people don't really know what is Enough ? ", the second one is even he got married, he don't want to have any child, I asked why? he said to me that being buried in the over-complained world about kid problem, how can he dear to keep child of his own? Sound is talking about her mother's complain about Fruit all the time... and I paraphse him and asked : Now we know who ranking number on in our complain championship, right? " I though he will agree with me that Fruit is The most complained family member, to my surprise, Sound said grand mother is the champion? I don't have a clue why as we don't really talk, Sound is the only family member who will go to his grand mothers' room and chat / play with her... Sound then shared with me that Grand mother complain about not enough money all the time... I feel so sad when heard it, this is really a bad bad news to me. how come an old lady living in such a comfortable way don't feel enough? how come she never think why her son stop talking to her? I agreed that Meiling is a little bit too cynical, but the selfish of my mother build the wall between us.. if not because of Sound to disclose this information unintentionally, I will never understand that my mother still complain about me....Why I always been treated like a cash cow? it's been so many years. why and why...YES, now I am complain, I should not complain any more and jump in the pool of the family of complain.

Percy Jason , the movie is a good choice for Chinese New Year, it should be a big box office in Taiwan, Sound enjoyed it very much and asked if there's sequel. " Book of Eli " is an interested one, Sound and I figured out the book Eli covers in his back pack is Bible at the same time. the story is simply, but pretty powerful...I think there is certain religious support behind this movie.

consume too much meal while Sound at home, this is no good to me, I should not take father and son itimacy as an execuse, really.

2010年2月11日 星期四

Avatar and others

I started my day earlier yesterday, it was cause by the family routine " Quarrels between mother and daughter ". I have to move myself to the MRT station one hour before the meeting schedule. but I am OK, as I checked in one fruit shop and prepare 2 boxes of Wax Apple for seniors at Himalaya Foundation: Mr. Han and Mr. Kong.

Early lunch with Jasmine / Jay and Eugenia, Eugenia arrange the appointment at Honda, one of my favorite Japanese restaurant. a normal update and chat, Jay and Eugenia didn't mentioned anything about my 1000 share ( 10.000 investment ), Jay told me office will be ready after Chinese New Year , and I have a seat to stay. I hardly can recall what subject we went over at lunch, very loose and causal.. anyway. just lunch.

Follow the coffee with Louis and his sister Joshphe, Louis updated me his idea about Himalaya Foundation and how he met with Mr. Kong and inform his interest, my advise to Louis is : Keep Mr. Han in the loop and follow the legel procedure before inject any fund in the Foundation, as for me, I told Louis that he may inform both seniors that Roger support his idea, period.

Joshphe is an Avatar Master, which means she spent 28 days and about half a millions NT on the training before qualifed herself a Master. similar to Asia Work, Avatar promote the self concious in a mild way, according to Josehphen, Asia Work is a little bit violence. I tried to probe the business model these " Growth Group " inheret and come up with my finding:

This is a system of multi-layer sales , but the underline is intangeble service : self conseces and growth, HQ act as Central Kitchen provide classes, certification, tools and sales kits, then you develop your customer at your territory and come back recharge ( with charge ) for renewal or new product education. I took one book : mini course the 7 pillar and one DVD - a class VCR by founder of Avatar , Mr. Harry Palmer.

The price for selling Avatar basic is 75000 NT. not cheap, I don't think its a easy task, you can only get your client from those who at your circle of life. watched the DVD at night, to be honest, it not very attractive, Avatar have been there for 30 years ( since 1984 ), there must be some secret I havn't discovered yet.

Ren asked my help in connecting his web game company to Japan -- a bit of ridicious, he must forgot how he played with us a few months ago, when Yi Fang need to raise new fund, we were approched early and we committe to follow, but in the end, we were dumpped and he go with the strategic partner I recommended. and now, when need a new way of developing business, Ren came to me? am I too naive or too easy to forget those bloody lesson? why not asked his strategic partner to give them a hand? I don't really get it, of couse, I keep my gentle outfit as usual, put on a smile and said " Should, I will asked my friend in Japan ". Ren also need income stream, need job, he is been away from corporate for 6 months. interesting. I brief my task to him in a very surface status. the Only benefit from that coffee is get to be invited to their Monday Ping Pong exercise, this is good for me acturally.. People really forget about how they treat people when in need.

Taiping shen retreat is the title show today, 3 together without Fruit. we arrived at the peak Chieng Nan Temple ( The Japanese thrine before World World 2 ) by one oclock, I pick 3 bamboo strew for checking my future partner, 3 all fine, but with degree of greatness. Eric rank number one, Louis number 2 and Matthew is number 3... interestion ranking and intersing intepretation. on our way down the hill, I visited the just reopned Chi-Lan Forest Resort, I love this place especially when seeing all the Taiwness monkey greeing us in wild, what an amazing cheerful feeling. it uses to be a summer house for late President Chiang Kai Shek, surround by trees , river and mountains, great view, I think it is an OT project and now open to public now..Matthew should take a look at this resort, what is lack of is software. really.

Drove down to Yun Seng Town, we feel hungry and can't stop the courisity of checking on little place : Lin family duck farm. it's a Taiwaness Duck Range combine with restaruant and some educational activity. we were there by 4 pm and order 2 kinds of duck cuisine. the food is amazing good. so tasty. it make our Taipinshen retreat a perfect ending before drove through Shesne tunnel.

In Taiwan, one country, one specility become a successful model, we can see / eat / learn differt things at 319 county in Taiwan. take Yung Shen country as example : The Fat I Lan Duck, the fishball with rice noodle, pickles and preserve fruits are 3 major delicacy... it's lucky to be Taiwaness.

2010年2月10日 星期三

A race between Taiwanese and Chinese

Invited and seated at the Keelung River Alliance Preparatory kick off meeting yesterday at csr Community office. 30 minutes before the session, I had my VIAO wireless setting fixed, short chat with Celine and informed the close should be shut dowm by end of March -- according to Celine, Mr. Han inform Mr. Kong that he will move the office finally. if there's a perfect situation to describe what " Ultimate Letter " is, here we have the example. csr Community must move. and Celine didn't carry on her last conversation about closing the operation, pay back portion of the investment fund. I don't really mind, people changed, including me, if she wish to stick to where csr community is, I should support it.

The Kick Off was initative by Mr. Hochen himself, to my surprise, he memtioned that don't drag the liability to Chinese New Year, so the kick off finally took place, for those who were invited are Indivisuals in there own specility, a dynamic group Mr. Hochen wish to assemble for 6 months before officially trun it to an association or fundation. Celine and Ah Yu are prepared. Having attending many Hochen / Public Issue discussion, I kind of come out with a logic how Celine and Hochen behave in such meeting : Hochen will release his agenda, inviting others opinion, integrete missing part and lead to a conculsion broader but follow his thought. most of the time, Mr. Hochen will wrap up the meeting with a " To Do " reminder to everyone in the meeting.

and Celine: she will thinking simotemesly while everyone's talking and tackle on the Strategy in mind with a simply graphic - most of the time good one, her strategy in mind will be : Generate resource among all the ralated party and inject to one topic, Keep key stakeholder in mind, and create a Chinese vs Taiwanse competition and crisis awareness. it works all the time when it come to the " How we can loose the advance comparing and competition with China ? " and Mr. Hoche will turn his face red and produce energetic and encourging power. this is what I like it.

My role in such a meeting? well, pretty minor, to show my friendship support to Mr. Hochen consistenly and maybe come up with some marketing idea .. spending time with them were the value I can think of.

lunch with Yi Hwa for my insuracne status discussion, as a matter of fact, for almost 2 decades, I neglect in knowing my rights and benefit about insuracne, yesterday morning, after the short querral with Sound ( Yes, We did, when he turn a bad face to me while I am helping him doing his History homework ), I browse my insuracne online data and learn the situation:
1. Life coverage were around 10 millions NT. not many
2. Investment on insuracne is around 3 millions
3. from 2017, I can recieve 380000 cash as investment return till the day I die
4. next 2 years is the peak for my insurace payment, 400000 nt each year.

Yi Hwa suggest me to sell my house and I challenge her with their own property, this questioning don't let her feel comfortable. I know and I did it.

Receive 8 year end gift from YPOer, appreciate the routine those friends did for years. it rich my Chinese New Year.

The learing from present at new Forum : The Opposite of Listing is not Talking, is Waiting . what a insight..

2010年2月8日 星期一

Keep Waiting -- Keep Walking

I gave up the exercise idea at Regent in the morning before the new forum sit in lunch. I made the right decision as I don't have time to follow this initative. preparing and revising my presentation file and taking MRT to Regent Hotel, it was 10: 30. review what I going to said and mark footnote of my own, the time flew to 12:00.

Knocking the room 546 suit, the Forum Suit, I am glad to see Jocylee ane Ivory greeting me at the door, old friends from Regent VIP service, it was great to see them all the time, include the long time chief bartner - Jesse.

The What / Why and How to Retreat session presentation at the Forum lunch table went well, although I am not 100% agreed with David's " West Eat East " view point, but I think I managed my 30 minutes quite well and hopefully, the pilot retreat service can started with David's support.

Eric Tseng called in the morning and set up our coffee by 2:00 pm, it gave me no room for myself. I went to the IS coffee on An Ho road on the opsite side of Eslite bookstore Dun Nan store. Eric spend 30 minutes update the Health Supplyment company business and share with me how the thing going with Far East University - including drinks and the painting outcome. he set a good tone for coming up with a new partnership proposal -- never give up and knocking on everyones' door are what impressed me the most, this is Rric, who we belive will perform his come back show shortly. I knew he is interested in setting up another business domain - Entertainment, and I know he treat me as a rival 6 months ago when overheard I am on the same developing track, until a one month ago, he knew that I gave up the fund raising process, his attitude changed and I believe Danny smell something about the Win Win both Eric and me can strike... it lead to his proposal this afternoon. begin with a 6 months' project to exercise / rehears if the EVENT Domain entertainment is a good industry to jump. and if the stage we create worth the time and effort to continue-- and if to form a new company out of the project scope.

Eric sincerely wish me to openly describe what I think and want before we decided to go together again, I promise him to think it over and to provide him answer by the end of Chinese New Year holidays. the previous experience shed a bad influence to both of us, it taugh us we have to draw the line clear enought to see if we share the same value and I need to inform my need to him in advance as well. I am not going to be blur or fuzzy this time, thanks for " The little book about entreprenurship ", I better well draft what's in my mind and to lay out my way of rule / games.

Matthew share his dream again at Starbuck Eslite bookstore right after Eric's new partnerhsip invitation, he is sincree and asked me to come up with a risk discusstion table right after Chinese New Year. he really want to invite me as partner and conduct the feasibility study for 6 months.

My keep waiting lead to the 2 open discussion next week. now I better think how to make the following initative work in its own way : Louis Chen's Green and Executive Training / Jean Liu and her Moker management consulting / Forum Training .

And I need to spare time for helping Jay / Eugenia make less mistake in the new start up company.

As for David Du's partner gesture, I need to come up with something before telling him anything.

It seems like thera are tons of thing to think at the new year and to do right after the holidays...

Taipin Mountain, I am coming on Thursday.

2010年2月7日 星期日

From Paris with Love and Law Abiding Citizen

Today, Sundy, is father and son's film day, we finished watched the " Killing Point " mini movie together, it took us 6 hours to finish it. the mini movie deal with bank robbery, hostage, police and it came across many relations in between. an OK series. but we finished it and I took bicycling for almost 2 hours and reducing 550 caroles, a plus to watch the series.
after the series, I took Sound out, supposely , I decided to pick up Meiling for the roast duck dinner near by Nan Meng Market, however, Meiling bought her dinner already, so, I changed my mind and took Sound to local delicacy instead, whiling walked to the famous chain " Formosa Chang ", I found Sound is not talking and felt a little bit upset, I didn't know why until he opnened his mouth: Dad, every time when you hold my hand and walk, you push me to the wall", I didn't realized that the itimacy turn to an unpleasant experience to him and it reflect to my old habit walked with Meiling for the last 20 years. I took the left hand side positon always and hold her left hand with my right hand, she must suffered the against wall pushing for years... am I a man of ignorance? a person not caring enough? I apprecaite what Sound share with me, it kept me thinking for a long while and I told him if ever I did anything make him feel uncomfortable ( this is a new zone between comfort zone and danger ), he must told me, this is the only way to help me, a way to reducing my blind spot... another Johari Window learning to me.

We had great dinner at Formosa Chang, it's stew pork rice ( Ru Lo Fang ) is one of my favorite, although my health condition don't allow me to enjoy it too often, I can't help to reward myself after the long hour work out. on our way back home, we stop at the Xing Hai ? Xing Long cross road, I asked Sound if he found of going to the movie " From Paris with Love " with me, a big smile turn on his face. so we go for the theater, I told him before the screening that I once had dinner with Luc Besson - the genius director who establish his movie business : EUROPA, at times when he came to Taiwan promote his hit film : The Fifth Element. the movie is a new stly of spying movie, the first half of the movie dealing with many miniroty, to me, a little bit of race discrimination. and the latter part turn to be good gun - car racing action, this is what audience found of, and so do me and Sound.

Spending 3 days revise the Forum Retreat White Paper, the presentation file complete, but now, I should think hard, think how the group will appreciate my preach for bringing Certified Forum Facilitator and why it have to be me, and how my bridge to the Retreat will provide decent value to Forum... as this is an trial offer from David, I don't want to screw it up, the PP looks professional, and I am now review tons of Retreat inforamation , the well preparation is for tomorrow. I don't want to disappointed anyone, include me.

Law Abiding Citizen is a good movie, I enjoyed it very much, I took Meiling to the second round movie on Saturday, I memorize one of the line which means something to me: You Can't change the decision you made before, but to affect decisions you will make after.

Attending Intersoft board meeting on Friday morning at G.S.S. It's been a long while since I attended any offical Meetings, a little bit lost and a little bit found. I sensed that I am a man need relationship with corporation, network and co-work, this is me, love to work with people, on the last portion, I introduce KIVA to all the board members, it cause some interesed of them, interesting.

After the meeting, I went to New Civilization Bookstore waited for Kevin Lin, he send message and asked my comment about his Silk Road Expidition, then by 12 , the guy Richard showed up together with Kevin, he is the person who draw the plan, well I like the " THE " PROJECT ( The Home Expidition ) but honestly told him that the " Home " is kind of Political Correction , a Kiss my Ass in favor of China, but after Richard explained the HOME idea come before Silk road and is represted " EARTH ", then I have no objection to the them, then I also put out 2 points: one is change the Silk Worrier name and well plan the committe member, and suggested YOYO MA might be a good candidate as he is vern keen in Silk Road Project.. they like it and finally, Richard asked if I may introduce my connecting in China for them... finally, why Kevin don't do it himself, or to relay his request with me alone? or lay out his plan for the introduction machisim - forming a partnership or build a business relations. I don't really know but I am disappointed with Kevin's way of making thing happen - not directly and not honest about his intention, maybe he will be success in business world and to triumph in addtion to his expedition, maybe I am too naive about helping someone who is celebrity already.. only maybe, but I will take a step back to what I was thinking before - the coaching project together. time to think, twice or maybe three times.

While watched Law Abiding Citizen, Meiling advise me never took consultant as my career, it will not work, I told her this is the temporary solution only.. I don't have a clue what to do next now, really...