2010年2月12日 星期五

Day before year of the Tiger

I decided to take Sound to movies before Chinese New Year, the one day Indoor outing make our relationship even closer. Go to the movies on Chinese New Year is a routine I developed ( or perhaps most of Chinese ) for decades. I remembers when I was in high school / colleage, made appointment with Wei Kou Lieng and go to the movies together on Luner New Year was a tradition, after the first screeing, either he came to my house for lunch, or I did it the opposite way, then switch to dinner each other, it goes for years and the memory kept in my heart for years. Now, I had a new companion - Sound, I don't know how long this routine of new partner can last... I recalled a title of a book " The validation for parent and children relation is 10 years ", I am lucky to have the longest winter vacation in life and spend really quality time with Sound this winter.

We had a few plans in mind : go to one movie, take some new year gift from csr community office and go to another movie. when waited for the MRT, I discussed with Sound what is the appropriate way to do with the gift, he said we should leave it to csr community colleage since we were there pick up gift once already ( or twice ), we had this conversation yesterday, my response is " What if we found some gift fit his mother ? " we may keep it for our own and distribute rest of the gifts to others... finally, we agree on this is not a good way to handle this issue, if we left what we are no interested in, how will people think? not checking any gift, we won't have the preferance of taking any of them... Sound is mature enough to deal with this issue.

And he disclose 2 interesting thought to me, one is his business idea, he want to build companies, earn enough money, then hand it over to other and start to Play - enjoy what he is interested. my response to him is " The real case in life is, people don't really know what is Enough ? ", the second one is even he got married, he don't want to have any child, I asked why? he said to me that being buried in the over-complained world about kid problem, how can he dear to keep child of his own? Sound is talking about her mother's complain about Fruit all the time... and I paraphse him and asked : Now we know who ranking number on in our complain championship, right? " I though he will agree with me that Fruit is The most complained family member, to my surprise, Sound said grand mother is the champion? I don't have a clue why as we don't really talk, Sound is the only family member who will go to his grand mothers' room and chat / play with her... Sound then shared with me that Grand mother complain about not enough money all the time... I feel so sad when heard it, this is really a bad bad news to me. how come an old lady living in such a comfortable way don't feel enough? how come she never think why her son stop talking to her? I agreed that Meiling is a little bit too cynical, but the selfish of my mother build the wall between us.. if not because of Sound to disclose this information unintentionally, I will never understand that my mother still complain about me....Why I always been treated like a cash cow? it's been so many years. why and why...YES, now I am complain, I should not complain any more and jump in the pool of the family of complain.

Percy Jason , the movie is a good choice for Chinese New Year, it should be a big box office in Taiwan, Sound enjoyed it very much and asked if there's sequel. " Book of Eli " is an interested one, Sound and I figured out the book Eli covers in his back pack is Bible at the same time. the story is simply, but pretty powerful...I think there is certain religious support behind this movie.

consume too much meal while Sound at home, this is no good to me, I should not take father and son itimacy as an execuse, really.

