2010年2月7日 星期日

From Paris with Love and Law Abiding Citizen

Today, Sundy, is father and son's film day, we finished watched the " Killing Point " mini movie together, it took us 6 hours to finish it. the mini movie deal with bank robbery, hostage, police and it came across many relations in between. an OK series. but we finished it and I took bicycling for almost 2 hours and reducing 550 caroles, a plus to watch the series.
after the series, I took Sound out, supposely , I decided to pick up Meiling for the roast duck dinner near by Nan Meng Market, however, Meiling bought her dinner already, so, I changed my mind and took Sound to local delicacy instead, whiling walked to the famous chain " Formosa Chang ", I found Sound is not talking and felt a little bit upset, I didn't know why until he opnened his mouth: Dad, every time when you hold my hand and walk, you push me to the wall", I didn't realized that the itimacy turn to an unpleasant experience to him and it reflect to my old habit walked with Meiling for the last 20 years. I took the left hand side positon always and hold her left hand with my right hand, she must suffered the against wall pushing for years... am I a man of ignorance? a person not caring enough? I apprecaite what Sound share with me, it kept me thinking for a long while and I told him if ever I did anything make him feel uncomfortable ( this is a new zone between comfort zone and danger ), he must told me, this is the only way to help me, a way to reducing my blind spot... another Johari Window learning to me.

We had great dinner at Formosa Chang, it's stew pork rice ( Ru Lo Fang ) is one of my favorite, although my health condition don't allow me to enjoy it too often, I can't help to reward myself after the long hour work out. on our way back home, we stop at the Xing Hai ? Xing Long cross road, I asked Sound if he found of going to the movie " From Paris with Love " with me, a big smile turn on his face. so we go for the theater, I told him before the screening that I once had dinner with Luc Besson - the genius director who establish his movie business : EUROPA, at times when he came to Taiwan promote his hit film : The Fifth Element. the movie is a new stly of spying movie, the first half of the movie dealing with many miniroty, to me, a little bit of race discrimination. and the latter part turn to be good gun - car racing action, this is what audience found of, and so do me and Sound.

Spending 3 days revise the Forum Retreat White Paper, the presentation file complete, but now, I should think hard, think how the group will appreciate my preach for bringing Certified Forum Facilitator and why it have to be me, and how my bridge to the Retreat will provide decent value to Forum... as this is an trial offer from David, I don't want to screw it up, the PP looks professional, and I am now review tons of Retreat inforamation , the well preparation is for tomorrow. I don't want to disappointed anyone, include me.

Law Abiding Citizen is a good movie, I enjoyed it very much, I took Meiling to the second round movie on Saturday, I memorize one of the line which means something to me: You Can't change the decision you made before, but to affect decisions you will make after.

Attending Intersoft board meeting on Friday morning at G.S.S. It's been a long while since I attended any offical Meetings, a little bit lost and a little bit found. I sensed that I am a man need relationship with corporation, network and co-work, this is me, love to work with people, on the last portion, I introduce KIVA to all the board members, it cause some interesed of them, interesting.

After the meeting, I went to New Civilization Bookstore waited for Kevin Lin, he send message and asked my comment about his Silk Road Expidition, then by 12 , the guy Richard showed up together with Kevin, he is the person who draw the plan, well I like the " THE " PROJECT ( The Home Expidition ) but honestly told him that the " Home " is kind of Political Correction , a Kiss my Ass in favor of China, but after Richard explained the HOME idea come before Silk road and is represted " EARTH ", then I have no objection to the them, then I also put out 2 points: one is change the Silk Worrier name and well plan the committe member, and suggested YOYO MA might be a good candidate as he is vern keen in Silk Road Project.. they like it and finally, Richard asked if I may introduce my connecting in China for them... finally, why Kevin don't do it himself, or to relay his request with me alone? or lay out his plan for the introduction machisim - forming a partnership or build a business relations. I don't really know but I am disappointed with Kevin's way of making thing happen - not directly and not honest about his intention, maybe he will be success in business world and to triumph in addtion to his expedition, maybe I am too naive about helping someone who is celebrity already.. only maybe, but I will take a step back to what I was thinking before - the coaching project together. time to think, twice or maybe three times.

While watched Law Abiding Citizen, Meiling advise me never took consultant as my career, it will not work, I told her this is the temporary solution only.. I don't have a clue what to do next now, really...

