2010年3月12日 星期五

Spirox approching the final stage

David called in the early morning yesterday for 2 things, the second thing in regard to Spirox is the main topic, he asked if I relay the CHR offering information to Meiling and discussed? I said yes and with a positive response, he felt much better and check if the online leadership survey conduct or not, as I didn't receive it yet, David said he will push it forward and address 2 things with me:
1. I need to reduce my extracurity if working in Spirox, probabely to keep the Forum relationship only.
2. He is the Vice Chairman of the company, pretty much the same situation when he worked in Yegoe and Steven was the Vice President. I can sense his concern.

Going to library to fix the Christian History in Middle Centry Europe history, as I wish to deliver a clear and correct information to Meiling, it's quite interesing to check the history book from this perspective : Christ / Juses wasn't treated as good guy, that's why he was nailed to cross , and 330 years after he passed away, the first Roman King make Christ the offical region in the country, then it flow to 1300 of Europe history : from 1059, the Red Rope Bishop hold the right to electe their Pope, this is the break point to show the King who rule the world. and Herny the 4th fight with pope and surrender, but at the same time, Ben dou, Calvin and Marting Lude started the rigion revolution, the new regision fight with the old one, and the Jeuse Club, promote the innovation internal instead of revolution external mindset and helping to shape the turn luxury and selling redemption ticket Christian.. Henry the 8th - for the marriage issue, forming his won sub-religion, how come he can cut off 5 of his wivies ( Queens ) head? unbelieveable...

Islam derive from Christine ( or Jues ) same as Christian, another interesting region development. Mahamud promote the only GOD - Ala and with Koran and Knife, the Arab conquer the world, the Islamquce architecture texite show the arts wihout any animal or human shape, a very interstring art form development...

Having the delicioue eel rice at Tain Chin street finally. David Hue called for the final offering to Spirox this morning, the yes and no will show up in a few hours.

2010年3月10日 星期三

The Long Life project

using the Mind Map, I am thinking putting Stanly's brand integrate with Newman's Own concept for the Social Enterprise development of my own. here is the blue print:
1. Brand : Long Live Organic and Green ( idea derived from Newman's Own : Stanly's credicial and Hulian / Taitung organic argriculture producer )
2. Channel and Marketing : David Du's WeWong produce line or Yu Feng Yu's organice product line. entail with online / ecommerce with Yahoo
3. R & D : Far East Univesity Vice President and his professional team., Egg prouduct to tie up with Mr. Hochen's friend.
4. Social Enterprise / Socila Marketing flavor : a Product Red similar line-up with Pantagonia 10% donation to Huilien / Taitung charity , community use.
5. The B - corporate / Honesty tea / nuture juice mindset for green production , accessment with SGS Certification process.
6. A potencial Good Shop CVS co-op with the local community to access to Celine's connection.
7. Introducing point system / membership machnism for green / organic / wellness / LOHAS social base marketing.
8. Farmers' Mart / Eco tour / Corporate Sponsership with CSR tie up.
Now I have the luxury for working with Stanly on his foundation 3 months. his initative in Hulian / Taitong can help me to do basic research. I shall be ready for this.

Spirox and David double

I didn't sleep well or much the night before meeting with David Shu - Chairman and CEO of Spirox, Meiling worried about me very much, she is not happy. as I shared with her the insight from Mark Han in reagard to the complementary role I might perform with Stanly Yen, it seems opportunity close its window again.

woke up by 6 am, do a quick wash up, I took the city bus and transfer HSR to Shing Chu, taking the 7:06 am train, arrvied by 7:38, as I don't want to wandering around outside of the office too long, so I decieded to take my breakfast at Mos Burge ( the information I recently obtained that this late fast food comer is now the number 2 fast food chain next to McDonald in Taiwan, surpass Kenturkey Chicken and promote its local organic food and ingredient purchase ), take a cab to Spirox, the driver told me the traffice is very bad, it might take one hour if we go with the routine route, as I am the first time here, I take his advise and we go circle around and pay the same due - 240 NT, I arrived by 8:15 am, enough time to enjoy coffee in the Fami Mart.

Spirox building is located in the center of the city, I can tell when the building constructed, this is a newly developing land, but now the premium give it at least double value. It's a clean and neat building. I was there 10 minutes before our appointment set by 9:00 am, yes, due to the bad traffic in the cold raining morning, David late for 10 minutes, this is good for me, I have time to relex, reading newspaper, preparing myself before he rush in the meeting room, grab my C.V. withoug learning more.

David like to asked smart question, this is how he loved. he heavily depend on system ( or machinism ),the interviewing, yes, it is , last for 2 more hours, and I graduatly check the skirt of his working philosophy in Spirox:
1. The company or him fails in working with a great HR system in 10 years, the HR M( management ) is good, however, the HR D ( Development ) was disappointed, every senior HR head suffer from the development and left within 2 years of career life cycle. so, they want to try someone with business experiecne instead of HR knowledge.
2. David is into charity now, it take away his weekend and his heart, so he need some one to help integrate and lead the company on its diary operation: this is what David Hung dislike and why he is looking for CSO and CHO now to share the work load.
3. David is asking management team to relocate in Shin Chu, find an apartment here, for the concentration of work and for the quality of life.
4. David is hype with my CSR experience and urge me to work with him on the foundation development on weekends
5. David wish me to reduce my non-companywide activity and focus on a FULL TIME obligation.
6. David is surprised to hear my 3 millions annual salary reqirement.
7. David asked me to follow an online personality accessment by the HR consulting firm.

I didn't know Meiling is favor this high-tech industry development with the CHO title. what I didn't know is she don't want me to limit myself as the CHO at this firm, be a shareholder, a director or to buyout if David Huang and David Du behide me.. the CHO postion is a good start to understand core competance of this company, to know the real accest and to learn the basic of the industry.

Now what I should worry are:
1. with the capital of 1.25 billion NT, the small capital size is easy to be manupilate or merged, if it's a hostile take over, then the management team will experienc an earthquake.
2. the job security is low, how to develop the " can't leave me , highly depending " capabilily is critical for an industsry outsider like me.
3. David Huang's role in make or break the company and how am I survive his game.
4. The round 2 negociation on the basic groud David address before.

ohter than this, I felt comfortable to find another home to work with. to learn, to contribute and to get to next level of achievment. after the David Shu session, David Huang share with me his view point for another 30 minutes, honest and frankly.

Having the sushi bar lunch after the long interviewing , I did it at Breeze Food Course at Taipei railway station, then follow the kick off meeting with Matthew in regard to the Wellness Retreat business discussion.

The wellness retreat research and preparation like my OWN assignment witout pay. for 3 reasons:
1. Matthew don't have enough local resource
2. We need to do it in Chinese writing
3. He don't like to do or conduct detail matter.

it's very time consuming for me, I need to figure out a smart way to do it quick with helper and with perosn I can liasion as soon as possible.

The night before:
SEE foundation Taiwan branch launch dinner take place at Ritz hotel with the new chairmanship George Chen, Mark and a few YPO friend were there at the dinner, I decline the appointment of Secretary - General position , it's no way to waste my time doing this anymore.

Celine came and brought me +_2 degree DVD for Mark and brought me the suite Mr. Kong give me, I tried it after dinner, it's too large, however, the gesture is good and the warm last forever.

Monday morning:
Visiting Shio Tang as Bali, it's been a long while, no wonder the thrine maintainace said he didn't saw me for a long time, it's 14 years, a hell to Shio Tang smooth my mind. after the very short stop, we go to the Bali port, Meiling want to try the seafood , the shell fish, well, we didn't finish them all. our next stop and the stop always is the Black Shop - the renovate port rib rice shop, the business is too good to believe. some Japanes tourist came, take the picture and acclaim to the delicacy they just enjoyed. it's amaze to see my colleage years little shop turn to a signiture eating spot in Tamsui.

2010年3月8日 星期一

Port of return

I decided to bring Sound to the movie " port of return " on Sunday morning before his school bus come to pick them. the reasons: I've told him the night before but due to the headache, I gave up the idea, and because this is the first animation invested by CHT ( Mr. Hochen era ) and directed by A-QUAI, a friend of mine, and the third reason is to support this local animation on weekend box office.

There are only 6 people in the cinema, 3 groups, I guess all of us take the movie ticket exchage couple. the 75 minutes of animation talking about a lover who were break up by a war between Heaven and Hell, the boy waiting at the port for the girl everyday for 60 years, as the girl was bomb to dead on the first day of war, but she didn't realized that she is no longer in the human world until she gave up her " Insistant " then saw herself transperent to everyone... the story is a Zen mentophor love story, beautiful and romantic, but the animation itself consist with many successful factor which local producer and director didn't identified yet. if I have to point out the problem I saw?
1. blur target audience : kid? teenager or family audience. not clear
2. animation touch and skill : many the production budget is not good enought, some of the picture shows a " animation book yet animation film " effect.
3. language consistancy : local dilect for creating funny effect was't a pleasant audience experience, and why to show the wiz and demostrate the underware of female charator is what I can't figure it out
4. Boring : no tipping point in the whole animation, you can hardly catch what's the image you carry after the show.
5. Ease meet West : the murmuring of Chinese Poem or Suthra of Zen is not appearing, using 4 character name to imitate Japanese similarity and Ghost story long tone effect combining with star war galaxy.. too complicate and no consistacy to reflect east meet west.

Sound's comment : if the film spend 120 millions, then why not use the money to buy 1.2 millions cartoon books and build a cartoon library? the impact might be much greater.

Seeing Sound off by 2:40 pm and went for the second run movies with wife: the 4 wheel roller directed by Drew Barrymore is a good one. Goat is truly an intersting movie, no wonder the viewers' comment is 2 extream.

Lulu called and check if I am OK to take the temp free lense consultancy job helping Stantly's foundation, the fees might be 50000 / month for 3 months. she is nice to me and I am OK with this..