2010年3月12日 星期五

Spirox approching the final stage

David called in the early morning yesterday for 2 things, the second thing in regard to Spirox is the main topic, he asked if I relay the CHR offering information to Meiling and discussed? I said yes and with a positive response, he felt much better and check if the online leadership survey conduct or not, as I didn't receive it yet, David said he will push it forward and address 2 things with me:
1. I need to reduce my extracurity if working in Spirox, probabely to keep the Forum relationship only.
2. He is the Vice Chairman of the company, pretty much the same situation when he worked in Yegoe and Steven was the Vice President. I can sense his concern.

Going to library to fix the Christian History in Middle Centry Europe history, as I wish to deliver a clear and correct information to Meiling, it's quite interesing to check the history book from this perspective : Christ / Juses wasn't treated as good guy, that's why he was nailed to cross , and 330 years after he passed away, the first Roman King make Christ the offical region in the country, then it flow to 1300 of Europe history : from 1059, the Red Rope Bishop hold the right to electe their Pope, this is the break point to show the King who rule the world. and Herny the 4th fight with pope and surrender, but at the same time, Ben dou, Calvin and Marting Lude started the rigion revolution, the new regision fight with the old one, and the Jeuse Club, promote the innovation internal instead of revolution external mindset and helping to shape the turn luxury and selling redemption ticket Christian.. Henry the 8th - for the marriage issue, forming his won sub-religion, how come he can cut off 5 of his wivies ( Queens ) head? unbelieveable...

Islam derive from Christine ( or Jues ) same as Christian, another interesting region development. Mahamud promote the only GOD - Ala and with Koran and Knife, the Arab conquer the world, the Islamquce architecture texite show the arts wihout any animal or human shape, a very interstring art form development...

Having the delicioue eel rice at Tain Chin street finally. David Hue called for the final offering to Spirox this morning, the yes and no will show up in a few hours.

