2010年3月6日 星期六

Mr. Kong, Mr. Han, Mr, Hochen and Mr. Yu Kwang

This is not pre-arranged appointment, but it all fall in one day. in the morning, one of my music mentor Mr. Yu Kwang : The icon of concert promoter in Taiwan call me and asked if I am in the office now, he sit at the Starbucks located at the ground level of Himalaya and send this gentel coffee invitation to me, when I told him that I am no longer with Mr. Han, he is a little bit surprise and with a pleasant mood to wait for me at the coffee shop for another 30 minutes. Meiling drove me to the starbucks and we unpdate and shared many things. the message came from him is " No secret ", he talked about the getting crowded concert market in Taiwan, the old and new coming, the raised of cost, identified new venue with excitement but the business less -accuman cause him wondering if this is the human nature, a gentleman approched his 70s, living in his romantic dream still. I evny him. the lesson learned are:
1. Han Chang ERIC is not the idea person to work with. the story about Princess Dorendou, NBA and NML . and
2. the Ho's group business in developing Kaoshung Dome ,
3. Eric Liueng's new idea about local production. ( better one )
4. Lee Ming Chi of Dada doing Richard Marx and Deep Purple.
5. Fufu's Tears for Fears...

Mr. Kong prepare me his brand new suite, I was moved by his sincerety. he really care about me and this might cause the jeoursous of Mr. Han, I can't disclosed too much but to thanks Mr. Kong for his unconditional support to me and Li Chun, Celine and the team shooting a video for Mr. Kong, a nice good bye wave.

Mr. Han's lunch is like the routine before. how can he asked too deep about my career or job, this will embrassing both of us, we only eat , yes, at Bellini again, this is the meals we did in 2 months. he is 80 now, sharing me with the 3 stories , I've listened to them for at least 10 times. how he conduct first loan with Tai Power, the story with Hwa Yi Bankd and Chiang Zen Ming. and the China Petro 90 millions US loan... thoes grory days are gond but this is the battle he bold to take, maybe he is advising me to take BOLD step. maybe.

30 minutes with Celine to check if she is OK with the rush moving notice? she is fine to me on the surface.

Hochen spend 2 hours with me and this can last for another hour if I don't ask for the bill, we really had good time at Smith and Hsu. the nice boutique Western Style - Local run tea house. this is the ture sample of Creativity Industry.. you enjoy the ambienct, the tea, the tea ware and the art it present.. with quality you are willing to pay for. we only spent 380 NT, but Mr. Hochen give me a 380 billions business idea: the Global IDC and Back Up site business.. a national and interantional combined genius idea. I will spend a few days study it and see how to access to the right channel.

Checking Spirox information at the animation library with Sound. Spirox seems to be a good company, but I need to cleary a few key points : long term / short term, industry or functional adapability , susainablity and trend in the future. be prodent and be careful about every step I take. and don't forget to let my Forum share their insight.

Sound's realtionship with class teacher cause a certain degree concert for me and Meiling, I am not so deeply concerned, but I know I need to find a good time to share with him, and I did it this morning at the oyster rice noodle shop before we walked in the animation and cartoon library. he is mature enough to discuss with me and I am appreciated his maturaity to help me clear the air. and one more thing, I explained to him why drop the idea of brining him to Shuttler Island and he fully understand and gratitude to my deepen thoughts.

Sound decided not to take the class role model honor , as he is not willing to run for the shool-level campaign, I respect his decision and support his decision, and I share with Sound how to reslove this good intention with all classmate who vote for him and not to disappoint class teacher...

2010年3月5日 星期五

Prorox and others

After the 2 so closed things, on the same night, my emotional rosed, I complained about Fruit and upset about paying so much money on this ugly daughter, her mother can't help to response to Fruit on whatever request, including the health club membership, I don't know why a high school student need to spend decent money on this, especially under my current finiacial situation, it's like a devil post curse on Meiling, she just can't help to spend money on all the request from Fruit, and to bear with her bad attitude all the time, my conclusion to the conversation is, since she eat my meat and drink my blood, whenever we have eye contact, now, I am not dislike her, I hate her indeed. there's no itimacy between father and daugher, I can't understand why she even think about her family? and I can't understand why Meiling should stop the wrong doing? my emotion exit for 30 minutes, as I know Fruit is the key presure to Meiling, I respect her decision, but 2 days later, even post my feeling now, the anger rise immidiately.

Wood is a young man we met in YEF , he tried very hard to contact all the mentors in YEF, no matter how familiar they are, he called me before Chinese New Year and we finally meet for lunch yesterday. 2 purposes serves : I share with him my experience in LCPC, as he is the account from IBM, and I illustrate how he should plan his career. it surprised me that young man in the job market don't have good mentor to guide, no matter how talent they are, everybody know they are going somewhere, but nobady can point out exactly where it is.

David asked me to help on Forum retreat, I have no problem since my time is more flexiable then he, when we have drink at Hagendaz, he came across an idea about my next move : Chief HR Officer at one company he associated with, he mentioned that the CHO development cope with my coaching / consulting mindset and this company is looking for CSO ( Chief Strategy Officer ) and CHO now, David called the president and arrange an appointment on next Tuesday morning, it bring me some excitement, calling Meiling, she is not so exciting as this is working for others again, maybe a repeating mistake, I am not sure, if certain opportunity come and I don't catch it, then I may not able to find anything in next 6 months. Matthew sent the outline for preparating our project entitled " Moving on ", again, catch 22 stir me up.

It's OK to check Eugenia's status, Walkie E. Share structure remain unchaged, due to the uncertainty of tech share from Mr.Hu , who Walkie wish to license his e-ticketing system, so the final capital size can't be decided now, there are 2 problems now : lunch of business will be after summer, no income for the short time and Daniel's show / concert company won't be open until summer, or even later as he is still in the unhealthy financial loops.I have no direct involvement , so... give my skin deep support to Eugenia only.

2010年3月3日 星期三

So closed

It happened twice in a day, a so closed risk arrived without invitation today while Meiling and I took a day for the Northern East Coast Highway tour. The first risk took place at Wei Aao recreation spot, when park our car outside the Cafe ( Now it's OT to Mr. Brown Cafe', a smart move for them ), when crossing the street to the cafe', Meiling jail walk and I followed without noticing a fast car is coming, there's a traffice light right before me and I didn't walk the line but runing through the highway, the car horn me loud and I almost hitted by the car, so close, I didn't realized how dangerous I was until I woke up to Meilings' yelling. that's so close, I should never ever do it again.

then in a hour, when we dicided to take highway No. 9 back to Taipei, right before the trafic light, we decided to turn right headed for highway No. 9, a motocycle driver didn't see our right turn sign, he drove straight and almost hit our car, in order not to cause the accidenct, the motocycler driver follow our route and turn right until the first U turn, he stared at me and heading to us, we are lucky to go fast and there are 2 traffic police on patrol which stop the young driver chasing us. it was so closed...

In the morning, before going out for noodle breakfast, actually, it was almost 10 in the moring, a tree - flower - fruit tree trunk stop at our front door, accidentally, I saw the truck carried many fruit tree, include papaya, tangeline , golden daze and golden little chilly. asked Meiling if she would like to buy one for our garden? we finally bought one daze and one little chilly. the mobile garderner is a nice guy, he should be at his mid 70s, he told us that he began doing business with our society 30 years ago and service a few of our neighbors before, we invited him into our frond garden and to check the trees we planted. he only told us 2 things: Tree like human, they need plenty of Water, Sun and Fresh Air, second is very few Taiwanese planted 4 trees at home, either 3 or 5 should be fine, woops, we hit one local taboo, we better remove one tree and leave more room for rest of the 3 trees.

May called, I didn't response immediately, took a guess what's the matter, I was right, it's about moving of csr Community office from the Himalaya Foundation, she send the notice to Celine, Celine asked for another month, until April, Mr. Han have her to check with me, my suggesting? to let them communicate directly and I will later call up Celine for provide my caring and check how she is going to find a new office? it's like tearing apart, now I better think how to inform YPO my new contact, really. no hiding, no messing..

Highway No. 9 is so beautiful, in the old days, this is the only highway connected between Taipei and Yilan, then comes the Pacific Highway, finally, Snow mountain tunnel kill both and become the major traffice route. we take No. 9 without any traffic, enjoy the scene and talk on the way back home.

A good day with Meiling, I am not sure how many good days left for us, but I will precious and keep good memories of every good days we been together.

Visit Walkie Entertainment office

Thinking what to bring to see Jay and Eugenia ( Joe probabely and Scott : I am not sure ), Meiling and I decieded to feed them with good tasting Meat Dumpling, we bought 24 dumpling , 12 vege and 12 port at Kang Lo Yi : the best meat dumpling ( bun ) shop in Taipei.

I arrived 15 minutes late, the office located next to the formal Himalaya Records Office and in between Sony Music : just on the corner of Kwang Fu North Rd and Nanking East Rd. the area I've been fooling around for years , a combining 8 years in Sony Musice and 3 years at Himalaya Records. they rent the office on the 6 floor. around 30 pings. can easily arrange 10 seats and one meeting room. simply and have Eugenia's style. I met all of them and share Bum with them, all of them love it, Joe is surprises how I know prepare vegetable Bum for him, to be honest, I am not preparing this for him, simply because the Bum is good. Joe is on mouring , his father in law passed away recentaly. as I didn't know whether the vege bum is pure vege or looks vege. finally, we found the chalk pork inside the vege bum... well, it's too late to tell.

I signed the director paper and asked Eugenia when to desposit my 10000 NT. she response with slight sound : no now and no one did... it recall the day we had lunch with Jay and Jasmine, Jay mentioned something like his mother went to temple and drawing one bamboo stick on behalf of Jay, the temple god advised Jay not to partner with others, because it will lead to argument... I don't know if my guessing is right, if this is true, Eugenia will live a bad life since. told Meling about it after home, we though I should try to know more about the company and the share as Eugenia is a close friend to us...

Went to Library after the Walkie E. visit, stayed for 3 hours, borrow 2 book and had my notebook fixed at Jay's office. bought 500 G hard driver. it's a good day.

2010年3月2日 星期二

I almost forget the theme of the blog

Should I change the theme or follow the coaching rule : come up with one inspiration shot per day? I choose the later one. The conversation with Eric Tseng part 2 took place finally after the Rice Dumpling Festival. He change the restaurant from one seafood restaurant to a recreation spot : Marimar, although the WHY came from his mouth is : my convenience of taking MRT here, but he igore my specility in detecting details, after the meal, while walking to Starbuck, we chat about how the department store's business after constrcution of MRT station at Marimar, he said something about very bad, and why, because he was here yesterday, on the festival day and on Sunday but no crowd at all, so,I realize he changed our meal here simply because he was here yesterday and we probably eat at the same restaurant : The Japanese Deep Fry Pork Fellet restaurant.

Althought I prepared his Thank you and sorry message, but when Eric share why this pre-corporation can't work out, I felt a little bit disappointment, since I am ready to take any challenge and fight for my goal. there's 2 things different from what Eric addree when we discussed this corporation before Chinese New Year:
1. They will set up company first before bringing the Hello Kitty Festival, as the 2 young man wish to build their brand on the festival.( how come not to ask me if I want to be the third sharholders ? )
2. There's no 6 months project for building the team and to try if the project works ( why so bold to inject 150 millions on 2 stranger ? )

anyway, this is a waving good-bye scenario, it gave me more time to think and work on my own foot. scary? no, empty? no,I need to fill my life instead of filfill time for life. schedule and planning my own growth is essential now, I am worring about Meiling, she seems can't stand for it, from the caring perspective or from the family financial security perspective... there's no much I can do now.

Helping a British lady find her destination in the moring is a good feeling, She look at the map at the Chung Sung and Nanking cross road, I stand next to her and offer my help to bring her to the Chang Chun corner. I felt happy.

Sending Cholocate to Ivory at Regent Hotel myself is another happy thing, to greet people who help you in good gesture is at least I want to do, I hope the cholocate suit the ladies taste.

complete the Forum evaluation form scan and forward it to chapter, one spouse who didn't circle 10 points cause my interest. a very honesty woman.

bought a few book at San Ming book town. good reading again.

2010年3月1日 星期一

Liner life or Cycle life

Liner or Cycle life detect sensor keep buffing in my brain for many days, the trigger is Maya calendar : when watched the 2010 Amanganda on Discovery Channel, 2 things enbeded : The first cycle in human history : 260 days when Maya adapt it from the preganecy of a woman, then comes the 360 days to follow the SUN. second thing is how we see time or life, if life is liner, then the termination of life is a TOMORROW, if life is cycle, then the termination of life is a YESTERDAY ONCE AGAIN. how I finally spot all the core value of religion. they taught human we are all in Cycle life, before and after life connected with our life today.. so, be good, don't hurt anyone and be patient, what you suffer today was the karma from yesterday...

2 movies yesterday really moved me, one is Hochiyachi - the royal dog's true story on screen. how come a dog can wait at the same place for the pass away master for 9 years ( almost the whole dog life ), based on the true story in Tokyo 1925, the film producer changed it to somewhere in a small town in US, Richard Gere is a sexy professor who adopted the lost dog and how the dog encoutered with the family, why a dog fetch a ball? must be a reason. not to mention our human being. a meaning, a purpose, an incentive. a WHY.... when people doing things to us, owe us a why. knowing why, you slove 90% of your question.

The other movie is " Ernie Davis ", I wathed it while exercised on the bicycle, if not for the great film, I would not stay on the paddle for 100 minutes. in late 50s, in the STATES, how a black athelecs been treated and finally respected. Ernie's true story really inspired me. become one of the base football runner back in 1960 when playing at college, the race discrimination was high and he knows why he want to play a good ball and to let thoes who despite him turn to respect him, he made it, the inspiring part come to his not able to be the professional football player. he developed cancer and die at the young age of 23.. a great lost and a great story to be told. I will check more about Ernie... I admire him.

Meiling and I took a lunch visit to Beitou traditional market, I ate at 3 different port soup vendor and pass through a giant noodle bowl shop. I love the scene on the Beitou MRT station. a combination of Old and New, the banyan tree outside the station make you feel like sitting and listen to the breathe of the breeze. we spend like 3 hours there. nice weather, nice food and nice walk with Meiling. the semtimenal scence cause me certain degree of romantic or poemtic.

Read half the Under the Water, it's a brief story about the culture revolution. Lee Yung ( Yeh Hu ) is a power writer. deep and cut.

2010年2月28日 星期日

Too good to be ture

If you take pre-caustion to everything, things might not turn to what you expect.. here is the story

Hochen had a new assignment, to consult Macau on its RTS development, he never been to Macau before, I voluntee to introduce the Truffle chocolate couple, I obtain certain degree of today Macau from the couple a few years ago via the introduction of Shu Kao Chi... Hochen and I set the appointment by 4 pm on Sataurday at Yung Kang Park.. and I believe Shu call the couple arleady.

In order to make sure it's opne, and to double check the address, I arrived by 2:45, the store closed, carefully check the operation hour, they open from Tuesday to Saturday from 2 pm to 8 pm. so, the shop should be opne in 15 minutes, however, a red note posted on the iron door cause me puzzle, it mentions : Spring Party today.. no business today.. I have no idea whatsever and there's no store telephone on the wall. in order not to let Hochen running for this empty mission, called and send messaged to Hochen cancled this appointment. Why? because it's only 1 hour away , my curiosity force me to wait, so find the bean baker cafe, order a 150 NT latte and sip until 3:30 pm, walked back to the shop, It opens. what to do next? the couple must expecting guest like us.. I push the door, a short greeting and mention about Hochen is not available to come today, but I am here to buy some Cholocale, so... I spend 350 for the Truffle Cholocale ( this is what I can do as token to Ivory - VIP at Regent Hotel who help me preparing Forum Training ), then I though I should ring Hochen about my " Too detail and broke the bowl ", he is not answering the phone.... this is the story I made yesterday.

bougt the book " Under the river " at Kingstone bookshop next to Ding Tai Fang, waited Meiling at the health center and finished reading first chapter, a good book.

We decided to see " Shutter Island " , it's a so so film, but Martin Scorescess is a great director. after the movie, I accompany Meiling to her favarite hot pot restaurant, we enjoyed a 2 hours non-healthy meal last night.

Eric sent a message for lunch appointment on Monday, I am OK, the basic line is not to be moved by external matters . no matter its happy or sorrow.