2010年3月2日 星期二

I almost forget the theme of the blog

Should I change the theme or follow the coaching rule : come up with one inspiration shot per day? I choose the later one. The conversation with Eric Tseng part 2 took place finally after the Rice Dumpling Festival. He change the restaurant from one seafood restaurant to a recreation spot : Marimar, although the WHY came from his mouth is : my convenience of taking MRT here, but he igore my specility in detecting details, after the meal, while walking to Starbuck, we chat about how the department store's business after constrcution of MRT station at Marimar, he said something about very bad, and why, because he was here yesterday, on the festival day and on Sunday but no crowd at all, so,I realize he changed our meal here simply because he was here yesterday and we probably eat at the same restaurant : The Japanese Deep Fry Pork Fellet restaurant.

Althought I prepared his Thank you and sorry message, but when Eric share why this pre-corporation can't work out, I felt a little bit disappointment, since I am ready to take any challenge and fight for my goal. there's 2 things different from what Eric addree when we discussed this corporation before Chinese New Year:
1. They will set up company first before bringing the Hello Kitty Festival, as the 2 young man wish to build their brand on the festival.( how come not to ask me if I want to be the third sharholders ? )
2. There's no 6 months project for building the team and to try if the project works ( why so bold to inject 150 millions on 2 stranger ? )

anyway, this is a waving good-bye scenario, it gave me more time to think and work on my own foot. scary? no, empty? no,I need to fill my life instead of filfill time for life. schedule and planning my own growth is essential now, I am worring about Meiling, she seems can't stand for it, from the caring perspective or from the family financial security perspective... there's no much I can do now.

Helping a British lady find her destination in the moring is a good feeling, She look at the map at the Chung Sung and Nanking cross road, I stand next to her and offer my help to bring her to the Chang Chun corner. I felt happy.

Sending Cholocate to Ivory at Regent Hotel myself is another happy thing, to greet people who help you in good gesture is at least I want to do, I hope the cholocate suit the ladies taste.

complete the Forum evaluation form scan and forward it to chapter, one spouse who didn't circle 10 points cause my interest. a very honesty woman.

bought a few book at San Ming book town. good reading again.

