2010年3月3日 星期三

So closed

It happened twice in a day, a so closed risk arrived without invitation today while Meiling and I took a day for the Northern East Coast Highway tour. The first risk took place at Wei Aao recreation spot, when park our car outside the Cafe ( Now it's OT to Mr. Brown Cafe', a smart move for them ), when crossing the street to the cafe', Meiling jail walk and I followed without noticing a fast car is coming, there's a traffice light right before me and I didn't walk the line but runing through the highway, the car horn me loud and I almost hitted by the car, so close, I didn't realized how dangerous I was until I woke up to Meilings' yelling. that's so close, I should never ever do it again.

then in a hour, when we dicided to take highway No. 9 back to Taipei, right before the trafic light, we decided to turn right headed for highway No. 9, a motocycle driver didn't see our right turn sign, he drove straight and almost hit our car, in order not to cause the accidenct, the motocycler driver follow our route and turn right until the first U turn, he stared at me and heading to us, we are lucky to go fast and there are 2 traffic police on patrol which stop the young driver chasing us. it was so closed...

In the morning, before going out for noodle breakfast, actually, it was almost 10 in the moring, a tree - flower - fruit tree trunk stop at our front door, accidentally, I saw the truck carried many fruit tree, include papaya, tangeline , golden daze and golden little chilly. asked Meiling if she would like to buy one for our garden? we finally bought one daze and one little chilly. the mobile garderner is a nice guy, he should be at his mid 70s, he told us that he began doing business with our society 30 years ago and service a few of our neighbors before, we invited him into our frond garden and to check the trees we planted. he only told us 2 things: Tree like human, they need plenty of Water, Sun and Fresh Air, second is very few Taiwanese planted 4 trees at home, either 3 or 5 should be fine, woops, we hit one local taboo, we better remove one tree and leave more room for rest of the 3 trees.

May called, I didn't response immediately, took a guess what's the matter, I was right, it's about moving of csr Community office from the Himalaya Foundation, she send the notice to Celine, Celine asked for another month, until April, Mr. Han have her to check with me, my suggesting? to let them communicate directly and I will later call up Celine for provide my caring and check how she is going to find a new office? it's like tearing apart, now I better think how to inform YPO my new contact, really. no hiding, no messing..

Highway No. 9 is so beautiful, in the old days, this is the only highway connected between Taipei and Yilan, then comes the Pacific Highway, finally, Snow mountain tunnel kill both and become the major traffice route. we take No. 9 without any traffic, enjoy the scene and talk on the way back home.

A good day with Meiling, I am not sure how many good days left for us, but I will precious and keep good memories of every good days we been together.

