2010年3月1日 星期一

Liner life or Cycle life

Liner or Cycle life detect sensor keep buffing in my brain for many days, the trigger is Maya calendar : when watched the 2010 Amanganda on Discovery Channel, 2 things enbeded : The first cycle in human history : 260 days when Maya adapt it from the preganecy of a woman, then comes the 360 days to follow the SUN. second thing is how we see time or life, if life is liner, then the termination of life is a TOMORROW, if life is cycle, then the termination of life is a YESTERDAY ONCE AGAIN. how I finally spot all the core value of religion. they taught human we are all in Cycle life, before and after life connected with our life today.. so, be good, don't hurt anyone and be patient, what you suffer today was the karma from yesterday...

2 movies yesterday really moved me, one is Hochiyachi - the royal dog's true story on screen. how come a dog can wait at the same place for the pass away master for 9 years ( almost the whole dog life ), based on the true story in Tokyo 1925, the film producer changed it to somewhere in a small town in US, Richard Gere is a sexy professor who adopted the lost dog and how the dog encoutered with the family, why a dog fetch a ball? must be a reason. not to mention our human being. a meaning, a purpose, an incentive. a WHY.... when people doing things to us, owe us a why. knowing why, you slove 90% of your question.

The other movie is " Ernie Davis ", I wathed it while exercised on the bicycle, if not for the great film, I would not stay on the paddle for 100 minutes. in late 50s, in the STATES, how a black athelecs been treated and finally respected. Ernie's true story really inspired me. become one of the base football runner back in 1960 when playing at college, the race discrimination was high and he knows why he want to play a good ball and to let thoes who despite him turn to respect him, he made it, the inspiring part come to his not able to be the professional football player. he developed cancer and die at the young age of 23.. a great lost and a great story to be told. I will check more about Ernie... I admire him.

Meiling and I took a lunch visit to Beitou traditional market, I ate at 3 different port soup vendor and pass through a giant noodle bowl shop. I love the scene on the Beitou MRT station. a combination of Old and New, the banyan tree outside the station make you feel like sitting and listen to the breathe of the breeze. we spend like 3 hours there. nice weather, nice food and nice walk with Meiling. the semtimenal scence cause me certain degree of romantic or poemtic.

Read half the Under the Water, it's a brief story about the culture revolution. Lee Yung ( Yeh Hu ) is a power writer. deep and cut.

