2010年3月15日 星期一

A bird hitting the groud

On our way back to Taipei, we take the highway 3, passing through Chin Sui recreation area, we move on north, a bird hit the wire then falling down to the highway surface straight, just in front of our car and in front of me, I saw its wing broken and no sign of breath anymore, our speed exceed 100 KM, we didn't cross over its body, but we are pretty sure some other car will, and this is his fate and final termination of life; wife and I saw it and she said to me : This is life, so fragile, human are similar, if the car accidenct occured. we are like the bird, so frigile, so vernuarable.

The alliance org. and Spirox offer is like tag of war, I try to rationalize my decision, but this is really difficult, at the breakfast, I asked Sound and Fruit what decision they will made if they were me?

Fruit said she will choose a happier life and follow alliacne org. she said something very profound. Fruit told every family member, no matter what decision we made, we will regret not to taking the other one. and she knew who Stantley Yeh is, this is a surprise to us, a teenage who only care about her appearance, never reading, know someone like Stantley.

Sound didn't explain why he choose to work at high tech company, but he seldom make decision for others," I don't know" normally be his answer to things he don't want to comment, but this time, Sound had a answer for me.

The ashmar attact me for the last few days, it didn't happen for years. the night we stayed at the hot spring resort ( Onsen ), I took the spread medication, it easy my breath and give me a good night, I didn't spend time to share my career with Sound as I falling asleep much earlier than other family member and I don't even enjoy the hot spring provided by the resort.

The Parent day at Pu Tai is a big day, the night before, I had a big fight with Fruit, the consequence is putting Meiling in the sandwitch situation. she never stop using hair dryer in my room, keeping drying her hair : in fact, she is not drying anyting, but addicted to the heat and sound from the dryer, the bad habit last for years. I am so afraid of this bad habit will cause domestic fire, so I set the bottom line of never ever let me spot her doing this in my room, however, again and again, I had to pull the wire from the outlet and swich off the cable. this turn her mad and started yelling and throwing dirty words toward me, her mother is not at home, so, the battle of quarrel begin.,she threaten not to go to Puli with us.

On Sat. morning, I was alone to the Highway Bus station, but it's too difficult to attend the parent day without a car, how can I pick Sound up to and from the resort I reserved? this is not money can sloved. I called home with a very angry mood, asked Meiling to tell Fruit that we need to go together, I went home in 30 minutes, give her a hug and follow with 2000 NT birthday cash.. I don't know why I do it, but I know money is the solution to Fruit. as Meiling tole me many time, Fruit is the copy of my mother, only money can move her... what a pitty.

Parent day at Puli, I am proud to sit at Sound's chair, as I saw 5 differet role model campaign poster outside the class room, Sound was elected as class 705 role model and the whole 7 grade election take place on Saturday.

The election result came out in the afteroon of Sunday, Sound called me with a frustrative mood. 2 of his best friends win the campaign, he is only one vote behind the second role model, I told him not to be disappoint and he is my role model always and I promise him to buy him an cartoon book on his returning home in coming Friday.

I like the A class English teacher, althrough the comment came from Sound is not so positive, he didn't like the authorizied teacher, this is the reason why he don't like her, but from the teaching experice and machanism sharing, I found her a great teacher to follow and I do encouge Sound not to give up this chace to learn from her. the Nature Science teacher is a good guy too. prepraing a lot of not in the textbook materail for the kids and to bring up the interesting of the studenst. the discussion and debating in the Nature Science class must be hirilliras. I like the mas teacher as well, she is smart and knows how to lead the kids knowing more about mathmatic.

We had a good set dinner at King Du restaurant located in the center of Puli street. I am surprised to see that the famous HK gourment Mr. Tasi Lain bring his gourment tour to this resaturant in 2008.

Friday is a big day for me: morning with David Huei of Spirox and receive a not complete enough offering letter in the afternoon, I am checking the problem area and will like to fix it up with David after consult David Huang today.

Stantly is defenitely a great leader, a leader every one wish to learn from and work for. the foundation is in an infant stage, I know the contribution I made will be significant and I know this is the area ( Creative and Culture Industry ) I am good at. but I do have a few concern I need to addree with Lulu first.

Stantley and Lulu, together they are willing to provide me a 3 months project base contract for 300.000 NT. it's so nice of Lulu. she called me at Friday night and learned my situation of can't make decision now, a very light complain about not able to inform her my current status with Spirox before go to see Stanley. I apologized to her and told her that she bring me luck and it all comes after she called me on last Sunday. I will get back to her on Wed.

If follow my heart, I will choose The Alliance Foundation and to idetify any business opportunity in between ( enterprise or social enterprise ), if I want to stand in the pool of commercial world, then I shall get away from my comfort zone and explore to Spriox, the steps I took is prudent this time, I shall never repeat my mistake again. time waits for no one, for a man of 50, no laspe of waste I can afford.

