2010年3月20日 星期六

First 3 days at Spirox

It's a dramatic change for the last 3 days, a very profoud self-discovery journey to me. here after, I would like to summy what I see / learn and discovered:
1. Family side : Meiling's irrational challenge to my first day withdraw is an unbelievable reaction. the words came out of her mouth was too bad to be forgive or forgotten, but I will take it as the inspiration power, turn all the negative force to driving force.
2. Company side : I've heard too much about the new boss - yes, the Chairman and come up with some thoughts:
-- Why David Huang didn't share with me about her insteability and emotion before?
-- Why HR head been critizised and never keep a career here in Spirox
-- Why the Chairman create the gap between all the employee day by day
-- Why a person with non satifcation marriage status asked employee to reward family value
-- Why the LEAN management spirit hard to be bye in in this company
3. The persons :
-- Jack Hsieh is a charactor, I like him day by day, he knows how to control his life and knows how to manger his boss - The Chairman. with his extragacurillar interested : mountain climbing, indie movie lover, fiction noble lover , I found him a role model to me now.
-- Mean : with the HR integrity force him to leave what he love and suffer the most in mingul with other executive in the company
-- Anita / Annie / Sunny : excellent follower in my team, I should review the workload with Lean method and share what non-value to me to them and bring myslef back to the valuable job in the current positon.
-- David Huang : the interaction with him will be strange for a while, we need to conduct a YPO issue clearence talk before working together. I mean, really. he has his agenda as a shareholder, investor and board member.
3. The environement :
-- I love the office, especially when I found the 10th floor - where the recreation space and foundation facility setting there, a good place to be after work.
-- Chi Hwa Universty: morning jogging in the campuss is an luxury to me and I really love it and willing to do it rountily
-- a good place to live, now I need to find a place to long stay - I am not jack and what he advise me : D. H love and know my function area, so he will have 90% ego and opinion in my funciton, as for him, the CFO specility keep David a 10% involvement only. a good lesson to me.

Embrace the change, form Information to Knowledge to Skill Set to Behavior to Competency to Key competency, it's long way to change - completely, this is a great opportunity for me to really change.

What I should gain as take home value:
1. Dig and digest the HR investment Spriox spend for last 10 years ( expecially project with D.D.I and Mikensey )
2. Build up my HR officer image and professionism and to expend the relationship
3. Enjoy life in Shin Shu and keep my mental and phisical situation in good condition.
4. Liasion with David Huang and to spot what he wish to accomplished in Spirox
5. Learning the mid-age surviving kit and to pass along.

