2010年2月10日 星期三

A race between Taiwanese and Chinese

Invited and seated at the Keelung River Alliance Preparatory kick off meeting yesterday at csr Community office. 30 minutes before the session, I had my VIAO wireless setting fixed, short chat with Celine and informed the close should be shut dowm by end of March -- according to Celine, Mr. Han inform Mr. Kong that he will move the office finally. if there's a perfect situation to describe what " Ultimate Letter " is, here we have the example. csr Community must move. and Celine didn't carry on her last conversation about closing the operation, pay back portion of the investment fund. I don't really mind, people changed, including me, if she wish to stick to where csr community is, I should support it.

The Kick Off was initative by Mr. Hochen himself, to my surprise, he memtioned that don't drag the liability to Chinese New Year, so the kick off finally took place, for those who were invited are Indivisuals in there own specility, a dynamic group Mr. Hochen wish to assemble for 6 months before officially trun it to an association or fundation. Celine and Ah Yu are prepared. Having attending many Hochen / Public Issue discussion, I kind of come out with a logic how Celine and Hochen behave in such meeting : Hochen will release his agenda, inviting others opinion, integrete missing part and lead to a conculsion broader but follow his thought. most of the time, Mr. Hochen will wrap up the meeting with a " To Do " reminder to everyone in the meeting.

and Celine: she will thinking simotemesly while everyone's talking and tackle on the Strategy in mind with a simply graphic - most of the time good one, her strategy in mind will be : Generate resource among all the ralated party and inject to one topic, Keep key stakeholder in mind, and create a Chinese vs Taiwanse competition and crisis awareness. it works all the time when it come to the " How we can loose the advance comparing and competition with China ? " and Mr. Hoche will turn his face red and produce energetic and encourging power. this is what I like it.

My role in such a meeting? well, pretty minor, to show my friendship support to Mr. Hochen consistenly and maybe come up with some marketing idea .. spending time with them were the value I can think of.

lunch with Yi Hwa for my insuracne status discussion, as a matter of fact, for almost 2 decades, I neglect in knowing my rights and benefit about insuracne, yesterday morning, after the short querral with Sound ( Yes, We did, when he turn a bad face to me while I am helping him doing his History homework ), I browse my insuracne online data and learn the situation:
1. Life coverage were around 10 millions NT. not many
2. Investment on insuracne is around 3 millions
3. from 2017, I can recieve 380000 cash as investment return till the day I die
4. next 2 years is the peak for my insurace payment, 400000 nt each year.

Yi Hwa suggest me to sell my house and I challenge her with their own property, this questioning don't let her feel comfortable. I know and I did it.

Receive 8 year end gift from YPOer, appreciate the routine those friends did for years. it rich my Chinese New Year.

The learing from present at new Forum : The Opposite of Listing is not Talking, is Waiting . what a insight..

