2010年2月14日 星期日

Happy Chinese New Year

As last year, we planned to take a hot spring bath before New Year Eve dinner, Sound and Fruit didn't want to go, so, Meiling and I stepped out of our door by 8:00 am and heading for Wu Lai Paulside Hot Spring Resort.

The weather is cool for the hot spring, cold and raining, Meiling is a good hot spring bath taker, she can stayed for a day, I am not, everytime I go to hot spring, 40 minutes is the maximum time I am endurance in the hot water, then I will feel dizzy and sleepy.

The book I bought day before help me spent decent time at the hot spring resort, The Spirit of Day is a collective infomation digest by 2 author, and it really help me to think how to appreciate my diay life, especially in the beginning of Chinese New Year.

I like the story and mataphore about the Dayfly, and the Living Today as your Life sincerely, and I am very into the death warning mataphore the writer point out from there trip to Italy.

Picked up the new year eve dinner at Howard Plaza Hotel, it became a good business to them. very organized, we arrived home by 3:30 pm and Meiling preparing other hot dishes for our early dinner.

Red envolop is a bad habit in our family as the elder expecting money and the younger wish to spend her luxury life, no feeling to give at all, just a routine , a bad routine.

Meiling went to see my father in law after our early and quick dinner, she said the fortune teller predict that one of her parent will pass away in 3 years. well.

And I took time to watch one great film from PPS : The Blind Side, Sandra is a great actress and the true story is so touching, amazing encourging film, I can't complain the correctly of translation from PPS, if you follow the subtitle they traslated, you will be lost. it's 60 percent wrong, I have to be very concentrate on listing, good practice for me.

The New Year wish from Meiling is to sit at the coach watch TV until falling asleep, so Sound and I help her make her wish come true, we went up to bad after midnight... some new year greeting message flow in, I am not hurry to reply or response.

