2010年2月17日 星期三

A very length conversation with Eric

I am not sure if " To discuss everything before partnership " is a good strategy to take or not, but the lesson I learned in the past was if some hidden agend didn't disclose before shake hand, mis-communication and mis-understanding will mess up all the good intention in building business while keeping friendship. this is why when Eric knocked on my door before Chinese New Year asked about the future corporation, I told him that I have to think it all over and not to repeat my neglect of working ground again. and the long converation with Eric took place yesterday from 3:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the newly open department store : The Station.

It was raining and cold, I never felt such a cold before, probabely it contribute to the wet weather, so, I checked my iphone on the taxi, it is 12 degree, so chilly. The station is a warm place, during the new year holidays, crowd are gathering at public places such as theaters , scenic spots, amusement park and department stores, The Station to me is like a huge stadium, as it's the champion season for super ball, so many people floating at the groud, seeing , buying and eating ( the most ), I trust pocket picker love the place.

Eric and 2 team mate were at Starbucks, an architechture and John : the interesting guy who run Sun Way Bio. I step in their conversation and learned the project Eric running is " Hello Kitty Amusement Park " a festival similar concept to create a temperory amusment park for entertaining target customers ( kids below 12 and there parent / grand parent ), not a bad idea to start a new company on the exhizibition domain. the estimate investment is around 150 millions NT and the profit forecast is more than 100 millions, this is what I post a doubt on as they shoot for the 1 million attendee. never mind. the risk is mild, the only risk are : safety of the audience in the park, prevention hugh equipment damage during the typhoon season and some nature cause, safety of the beverage and food offer in the park. it should be a good business. I didn't share much of my thoughs when listen to their conversation, but to offer on idea on location selection : Taipei Zoo skirt -- The Zoo Mall area, as it almost run out of business, but the infransturace were there, facility can be reuse and it provide a good identity of kids garden - it's at the ZOO, it might create the effect of shooing 2 birds with one stone.

The rest of our time with Eric along is the conversation I prepared to go over with Eric, when took out my 4 pages memo, Eric is a little bit shock, he might not think of I will conduct such a serious talk, then asked if he may borrow my pen and paper.

I set the ground tone first, all I want to deal is the business side of this future corporation, why I am doing it is for keeping the good friendship with him and the well communication before hand is aiming for building a block of partnership. I am no sure if my prerequisite really pay off as I started my conversation with a very sensitive topic : Who make the final decision? Eric told me this is an open question and there won't be concrete answers, his experience told him if investor contribute money only and can say nothing about the business or join some business decision, problem will occure and he had such a bad experience, what I share with him is : How we define the professional manager and respect his / her business insight and integrity to conduct a successful business, Eric insisted that Western way is differently from Chinese way of managerment, we spend like hour discuss and debate on this topic, I like this, this is what I want him to think befor we shake hands.

Sensitive topics continues with : Authorization, Reporting, Human Resource decision, Method of communication and the working ethic and believes, for working ethics, I address on the " not a one call summon, appearing immediate working prinspal " this is what I hate about , the bossy boss, and how we see the working hours and working places. I know Eric is not favor with my viewpoints such as : If my sobodinate work until 2 am, to show my leadership, I must stay and win respect from this colleage, my point is totally different : I will asked why he must work at midnigh and see if there's a need for me to stay with him, then identify solution to change this behavior or replace this person..... The more I dig the sensitive issue, the more I admired the auther who write " The little black book about entreprenure ", you don't really want a partner if you don't really need it, or if the partner contribute on cash only, it will be fine..so, this is not the debate about east vs west, but human nature and human behavior.

The final part is the financial reward : for the project base, the gap is not huge, only the matter of 1 million project fees OK with the investor or not, although Eric emphesis on this is a learning proces without spending too much effor and time, only concentrate on buidling the future team, but I told him everything have cost, what if in 6 months, the project complete but the company will not establishing, then how should I caculate my risk? this is fine as there's a room for counter my fees. I will accept it when Eric return the call ( if he think the corporation terms is not an obstacle to overcome )

For the corporation part, I lay out the founder share , stock option, bonus and salary scheme for discussion, Eric is shocked, he never thought I am prepare to lay all the ground, he spend decent time explained to me the partnership should build on agreeable terms on " Fat salary or future bonus " since it will be critical for start up to spend too much on over head, of course, I fully understand his point, and I proces it once a few months before, but I need to address it, really to inform my need and want in advance, it everything is OK, then I should go my own way without finding partner or investor.

The end episode ? well, everything is open for negociation, but with a groud, I lay the ground and test the water of partnership, if it can't work out, we better not enter the corporation. for the project, I know my value and funtion is the figure head, to decorate the project and let it look good, a high level PR for the project and media, the cost of my brand need at lease 500.000, this is the bottomline to start. Now, I should took a passive attitude and wait for the call -- if any.

Eric told me that Brokens Bros. is working on U2 tour to Taiwan in Aug. ( Kaoshung Government offer a 50 millions co-investment ), well if the 360 degree concert come to Taiwan, will be the biggest entertainment news. in April, they will book Bob Dylan at Nankang convention center, woo, pretty risky, my wild guess is 50000 audience maximum, but, I shall be there, right? Mum.. too much concert, too little audience, too expensive tickets.

Am I finally falling in the entertainment sector? am I, or how to bring up the scale of entertainment business in Taiwan / China, or why should I do this?

Eric sold his Sun Way share to Danny, Green Battery share to Yeh Ko Yi, the cash he collect should be in his new investment private fund. I guess.

Now, my turn to thik the pros and cons in Eric's initaitve:
1. Is it a step to entreprenurship? if the answer is YES, I should well degist the little black book again.
2. Am I choose the right industry with my passion, capacilty and belive?
3. Should I identify Eric a right partner ? and who's behind? the assigning 2 executives will definetly create a " Workload - Performance - Contribution - Fairness " syndrome, how should I face it?
4. Is this project turn company approach help me achive my goals and dream in reality?

Oh Yes, we finally make our trip to Keelung on Monday , and ate some not so great temple vendor foods. and Sound raise temper when Meiling suggest to buy him new sports shoes, yes, the temper is the Gene in him. we can only bare with it.

