2011年4月4日 星期一

The week in China

China is not friendly to Google, or the other way around, so, not able to blog is a pain to me, no reflection, no retreat and no learning, I hope the wall can be broke by Spirox IT team, then my continue growth won't stop here.
It's a good surprise talking to Coco over the phone last night, it's an instinct, and it's an auto-response, Coco is so sweet, she was at Cheng Du when I called her from Antonio Chen's office -- Yes, the old partner bringing us together, just like 8 10 years ago we work together for building the music dream - Coco Lee / Roger Lee and the world. she was about to perform, so, I cut our conversation short and told her I will left her my contact.
Sitting at Antonio's office - SUM, a formal JV between Shanghai Broadcasting group and Universal Music, now depart and Antionio stay for new future, Antonio smoke too much, compare to what I knew, he is not a chain-smoker, Antonio play me a few songs he wrote , a very music person now...
Taking the Sub back to hotel, 5 dollar only, if David H want me come to China offen or stay longer, I might consider now, to build the other arm and to re-connected to the creative business where my passion goes.
Preparing the Let Go process in SCC, do the rehearsal and tele-conference, I hope this minor scale of reengireering won't create too much noise, local people showe their defence to Tony, I should learn why they do it. we keep Simon - Taiwanese at the last minutes, hope he will play the turn around games. however, when check the report he sent, I am a little bit upset, really.
Receiving Coco’s wedding invitation, pretty exciting and it bring me back to the stage, the shining stage before, it must by fun, Meiling will join me to her wedding and it’s scheduled on Oct. 28th, a big day for celebrity
Kao Wen Chung came to see me at the Spirox Shanghai office, we talked a bit before I took him for lunch. He did a brain tumor surgery last year, what’s a dramatic change, but still strive to find his way out, he said the fortunate teller told him his low period will last for 10 years, and now its time to recover. Actually I am not as talent as him while in the army, he was the future star and kitchen cabinet for many STARS, It’s 30 years ago, the young and military years bring me the education of discipline, education and English, overheard that Mr. Wong is now in wheelchair, this is surprise to me. So, share the old days and for those remembered.
Celine send a very good mail to me while I share with her the encountering with Coco last night, what a strange feeling, this is a good sign or bad?
Matthew is willing to help Sound, but he is travel to US tomorrow, I can only bring Sound to see him next time, in May maybe.

Let go process in SCC Shanghai and HK went smoothly, as people are expecting the outcome, what we need to do is
- Make sure the one who we lay off get what he want in compensation
- The remaining party accept the situation and not to create new problem
I locked my door while the lay off process conduct, I asked line manger to team up with Tony – head of operation in Shanghai to perform this job, it ain’t easy but I did it many times, once you did something not been done before, you have the confidence to do it again and again, until you paralyze to the task.
Not willing to go anywhere with anyone, Simon and George show their good gesture and asked if I need accompany for dinner, No of course, the trouble with Max and Tony was falling in such a pitfall and can’t bail themselves out of the scandal, why people can’t learn from the lesson.
I image and wrote an English poem while doing massage next to Parkyard Hotel, this is what I wrote:
A poem for / with Soul

I am Thinking……

I am thinking instead of thought about

Distance create space
A space injected with imagination
The image vaporized to many you
From 16 to forever, many many you
Sometimes I remember to forget
Sometimes I forgot to remember
But I knew, what you want me to remember and what you wish I may forget
Soul knows… Soul mate understand

I am Thinking………….

Isn’t it beautiful ?
Reading 3 cups of tea is really an enjoyment, being alone but not lonely, good book and good place construct what I am today. Cherish it and be positive always.
Meiling agree to attend Coco’s wedding, I am happy about it.
Last night was an interesting night, how come I share such information without any pre-caution ? Meiling scare of going home alone, because the shadow of Fruit is a scar still. I am working happily.
TONY have problem in SCC, he create or encounter with too many enemy , it won’t do him any good, actually, Jame’s coaching to him at SEMICON China and Simon ( a new employee from Taiwan ) comment about him throwing a stone to his salability as well, how can I protect him and trust his ability?
George is a good hand, not only know what to do, but to equip with a culture mind. Ciaotung University and commit to work as hard as any Taiwanese, this is the talent we should keep.
Lung Yang underground station have nothing to do, I am a little bit disappointment, eat a local food.
3 cups of tea is truly a great novel, I will give it to George today, without finishing it

