2010年2月27日 星期六

Spouse Forum Training

My pilot show took place yesterday at Regent Hotel, for prepare this training, I spent like 20 more days in digest how the script and content should be, to be honest, even thought I have full confidence that it won't be a bad experience, but on the Model Forum Training session, I need to put more efforts before, it's a very energy and time consuming session, but once the module built, I am sure it will be a easy task for me in the years to come, what I NEED to exercise more is the Modeling the Meeting session.

The night before the training, I accompany Mark, Chen Shu, Celine,She Chen Cheng Tong and Shiao Hwan of SEE foundation to a late tea chat at the famous Tze Tung Lu tea house. come home by 11:30 pm, this is the main reason why the Model meeting session can't be 100% confidence to carry.

The training begin at 8:30 am, I arrived at Regent Club by 7:30 am, set up the PC, Music and Hand out, then Helen checked in , the first spouse who equipped with Forum experience in Scottland before was excited to learn if Taiwan can form such a Forum as she kept hearing that Forum is the value of YPO, I have been to Daniel and Helen's house at Shuzu on my Long Chen days, I was there for my Moon Festival if I was right. Danile is a very nice gentelman and Helen is a very independant lady, a model couple to me really. among the 8 attendee, I have shallow encounting experience are : Helen, Flora ( on our trip to couples' outing in Vietnam ), Jill ( the ADHD experience sharing together ) the rest of spouse were knew to me. follwoing is my profile in observation:
1. Adrine : easy going,
2. Sandy : eager for any growth session, not a happy person
3. Christine : can share, conservative and a business woman
4. Patricia : Man like, easy to be linked
5. Shrie : not able to tell now, but a team member.

Helen, Sandy, Jill and Flora ( Patricia ? ) love to read, so, whenever I quote book, they take note and even corrent me : such as Chasing Daylight instead of Shadow...in the afternoon, while Jill is hesitate to be the presenter and sharing the issue which to her is not urgent, I explained to her this is a role play to help me conduct such a training, a precise lawyer like her agreed, and finally, after the sharing session, I know she harvest in certain degree and understand why I pick her why the " Issue owner is the issue slover, the presentation lean to a more constructive, organized way for them " the group going deeper and deeper at the Presentaion session and they decided to forum a Forum immidiately, and I was asked to be the temporary moderator before next moderator training. I response positively under one condition, this have to be proved by Taipei Chapter.

I was exaugted after the training and I believe everyone did, take taxi home, had a quick vege dinner, to be relax, I tend to go to movies, asked Meiling to come with me to the " Shutter Island ", as the showing time is 9:45 pm, we take nap at the living room coach, I falling sleep and decided not to go out then, I really felt tired.

Second Kelung River pre Kick Off meeting hold on Thursday to Li Chun, I was there to show my support. and before the meeting, Celine honest told me 2 things:
1. consultant company will not make money, but meaning and the achivement of helping company change certain behavior , CSR is a good approch.
2. I need to think clear what I want to do next, for my past experience, I never earn money, but wait for someone to give me money ( on payroll in multi-national company )

Jay sent a greeting mail, an invitation tone, my response is to see him and Engenia next week, well, I didn't know Celine check there office alrady and have a wild dream of join there office, yes, I clearly told Celine this is Jay's company and Jay will never ever let anyone ( perticuy her ) to ruin his place... should I told Celine how Sherry describe her in front of Jay? this is the blind spot, a big blind spot to Celine.

Eric call and asked about having coffee next week, the Not in a hurry mood deliver the message of : I am going to tell you our corporation won't take place but friendship remains ", I am fine with this and should stick on the no pay, no service bottom line.

Si Chen, Tei Chi, Celine dinner on Thursday was great, we talk so much about rock history in Taiwan..I should check the book Chen Shu mentions at the tea session ( Mother at the river )

