2010年3月21日 星期日

The Studio in Shin Chu

Check in the Royal hotel ( not the glamous 5 stars one ) late this afternoon after seeing Sound boarding his school bus; we both feel we are back to domitory again, constrain and no freedom at all. Meiling came with me for checking the 2 suits around Makey Memorial Hospital Shin Chu.

The first one which Sam stayed is a better one if I may added 2 more plus : not to walk such a long hours to Office ( roughly 20 minutes I guess ) and have a near by jogging place : maybe I can use the street on the back as well. the second one is far from the first one. although the price difference is 3000 NT per month, however, a suit with a view and provide simply cooking function is far better than a cage with no lights. I made my decision already but will inform the rehouse agent tomorrow.

Go to the Chen Hung Temple with Meiling before she left, she bought a lot of local delicacy , I love her and this is the second time I am working away from home, I rather tLeo be with the family as everyone knows.

Going to 2 movies with Sound yesterday : Edge of Darkness and Hurt Locker, feeling OK, not very exciting movie, but to spending time with Sound is the greatest moment in the world.

First meeting with David H. finished last Friday, decent homework and I should be well prepared for every challenged ahead. begin from Monday tomorrow.

Eric Tseng called just now, he is so good in chasing who's working where, he learned that I was on board via the information shared by David Hunag, I told him that I am not ready to disclosed this information as I am not fully prepared. but will reduce my YPO activity as low as possible. Learing that the HELLO KITTY Exhibate will postponed to ?, I feel lucky again, too many uncertainly in the start up, to find a company to start will be a better solution.

Stable is not the keyword these days, as it means : There's no improvment or you are not important. so. don't let Stable be your goal in working.but to create value of your own, control what you can. as hard as possible.

A good quote from Readers' Digest : There are not shortcuts to the place worth going... remember always

2010年3月20日 星期六

First 3 days at Spirox

It's a dramatic change for the last 3 days, a very profoud self-discovery journey to me. here after, I would like to summy what I see / learn and discovered:
1. Family side : Meiling's irrational challenge to my first day withdraw is an unbelievable reaction. the words came out of her mouth was too bad to be forgive or forgotten, but I will take it as the inspiration power, turn all the negative force to driving force.
2. Company side : I've heard too much about the new boss - yes, the Chairman and come up with some thoughts:
-- Why David Huang didn't share with me about her insteability and emotion before?
-- Why HR head been critizised and never keep a career here in Spirox
-- Why the Chairman create the gap between all the employee day by day
-- Why a person with non satifcation marriage status asked employee to reward family value
-- Why the LEAN management spirit hard to be bye in in this company
3. The persons :
-- Jack Hsieh is a charactor, I like him day by day, he knows how to control his life and knows how to manger his boss - The Chairman. with his extragacurillar interested : mountain climbing, indie movie lover, fiction noble lover , I found him a role model to me now.
-- Mean : with the HR integrity force him to leave what he love and suffer the most in mingul with other executive in the company
-- Anita / Annie / Sunny : excellent follower in my team, I should review the workload with Lean method and share what non-value to me to them and bring myslef back to the valuable job in the current positon.
-- David Huang : the interaction with him will be strange for a while, we need to conduct a YPO issue clearence talk before working together. I mean, really. he has his agenda as a shareholder, investor and board member.
3. The environement :
-- I love the office, especially when I found the 10th floor - where the recreation space and foundation facility setting there, a good place to be after work.
-- Chi Hwa Universty: morning jogging in the campuss is an luxury to me and I really love it and willing to do it rountily
-- a good place to live, now I need to find a place to long stay - I am not jack and what he advise me : D. H love and know my function area, so he will have 90% ego and opinion in my funciton, as for him, the CFO specility keep David a 10% involvement only. a good lesson to me.

Embrace the change, form Information to Knowledge to Skill Set to Behavior to Competency to Key competency, it's long way to change - completely, this is a great opportunity for me to really change.

What I should gain as take home value:
1. Dig and digest the HR investment Spriox spend for last 10 years ( expecially project with D.D.I and Mikensey )
2. Build up my HR officer image and professionism and to expend the relationship
3. Enjoy life in Shin Shu and keep my mental and phisical situation in good condition.
4. Liasion with David Huang and to spot what he wish to accomplished in Spirox
5. Learning the mid-age surviving kit and to pass along.

2010年3月17日 星期三

First day in Spirox

The main question is : how to overcome fear when facing unknow challenge? this is the lesson in life, not only happen in workplace today or tomorrow, I better think in a long term and more pro-found way, for example: what if the leathel dicease hit me? what if I need to experience a painful lost of belove person? what if I am in real physical danger? among those real risk and the real fear, the workplace uncomfortable can't be an issue today. not to mention how hard to earn a living now..

There won't be an idea place to work as heaven, there won't be a boss who so is so generous to give and not to take, there isn't an idea job that you embracing sun, smile and love... but if you only see the shadow of work, your life will be miserable and your responsibility of being a man, a hushand, a father and a son will never be perform the right way.

It seems the shadow of LCPC coming a bit, it penetrate and wet my fun in working..if I can't hold on to the positive side of work, the brigh side of facing challenge, the upside of learning and growing. then, I will lost the meaning of being a real person.

David H. is right, right about the fear in me. right about the lost-confidence when thinking about new challenge.. Don't let the new beginning become a hurdle to me, and don't let Meiling disappointed again, too many people suffers, and I am the lucky one, I should always believe I am the blessing one.

2010年3月16日 星期二

Signing of the offering letter

The world devided by 2 will be a perfect world, however, it isn't the real world.. this is to echo what 6S training ( Lean management ) taught, you have to decided what you want and don't, but in the real world, there are so many options and choice between want and don't, maturality is know how to deal with the grey area in between...

I agree half of David Huang's oberservation : due to insecurity, I tried to build the pretection wall, or due to the worst experience, I am too cautious about thinking bold. when he told me how he see my attitude and intention in revising the offering letter, the message to him are : Fear, Insecure, lack of confidence. maybe he is right but I am not 100% favor what he said.

as there is not such a career heaven in the earth to protect you, you are the only person who can protect yourself, your value, your wisdom, your integrity and your knowledge in contributing to others.

So I signed the offering letter at Spriox, at David H's office and committed to on board tomorrow ( March 17 ), half month earlier than what I promised to David H.

Lulu called and wish me to think twice about my decison, I knew she had a talk with Stantley in Hui Lien and covered my career issue, the suggestion came from them is to form my new company in the Culture and Creative Industry and have the Alliance Foundation / Taiwan Ho Foundations' project to begin, this is not what I want, if I want to start new company, this area won't be my priority. so...the decision made without a difficulty.

The water steam floating on the marble floor for 2 days, we don't know why, it slippery and cause great problem to dry it up. maybe this is the sign, it gone when the decision was made and the weather begin to change late last night.

I will start to post my new blog, in regard to the new life at Spirox and fining myself a suite in Shin Chu...most be exciting.

2010年3月15日 星期一

A bird hitting the groud

On our way back to Taipei, we take the highway 3, passing through Chin Sui recreation area, we move on north, a bird hit the wire then falling down to the highway surface straight, just in front of our car and in front of me, I saw its wing broken and no sign of breath anymore, our speed exceed 100 KM, we didn't cross over its body, but we are pretty sure some other car will, and this is his fate and final termination of life; wife and I saw it and she said to me : This is life, so fragile, human are similar, if the car accidenct occured. we are like the bird, so frigile, so vernuarable.

The alliance org. and Spirox offer is like tag of war, I try to rationalize my decision, but this is really difficult, at the breakfast, I asked Sound and Fruit what decision they will made if they were me?

Fruit said she will choose a happier life and follow alliacne org. she said something very profound. Fruit told every family member, no matter what decision we made, we will regret not to taking the other one. and she knew who Stantley Yeh is, this is a surprise to us, a teenage who only care about her appearance, never reading, know someone like Stantley.

Sound didn't explain why he choose to work at high tech company, but he seldom make decision for others," I don't know" normally be his answer to things he don't want to comment, but this time, Sound had a answer for me.

The ashmar attact me for the last few days, it didn't happen for years. the night we stayed at the hot spring resort ( Onsen ), I took the spread medication, it easy my breath and give me a good night, I didn't spend time to share my career with Sound as I falling asleep much earlier than other family member and I don't even enjoy the hot spring provided by the resort.

The Parent day at Pu Tai is a big day, the night before, I had a big fight with Fruit, the consequence is putting Meiling in the sandwitch situation. she never stop using hair dryer in my room, keeping drying her hair : in fact, she is not drying anyting, but addicted to the heat and sound from the dryer, the bad habit last for years. I am so afraid of this bad habit will cause domestic fire, so I set the bottom line of never ever let me spot her doing this in my room, however, again and again, I had to pull the wire from the outlet and swich off the cable. this turn her mad and started yelling and throwing dirty words toward me, her mother is not at home, so, the battle of quarrel begin.,she threaten not to go to Puli with us.

On Sat. morning, I was alone to the Highway Bus station, but it's too difficult to attend the parent day without a car, how can I pick Sound up to and from the resort I reserved? this is not money can sloved. I called home with a very angry mood, asked Meiling to tell Fruit that we need to go together, I went home in 30 minutes, give her a hug and follow with 2000 NT birthday cash.. I don't know why I do it, but I know money is the solution to Fruit. as Meiling tole me many time, Fruit is the copy of my mother, only money can move her... what a pitty.

Parent day at Puli, I am proud to sit at Sound's chair, as I saw 5 differet role model campaign poster outside the class room, Sound was elected as class 705 role model and the whole 7 grade election take place on Saturday.

The election result came out in the afteroon of Sunday, Sound called me with a frustrative mood. 2 of his best friends win the campaign, he is only one vote behind the second role model, I told him not to be disappoint and he is my role model always and I promise him to buy him an cartoon book on his returning home in coming Friday.

I like the A class English teacher, althrough the comment came from Sound is not so positive, he didn't like the authorizied teacher, this is the reason why he don't like her, but from the teaching experice and machanism sharing, I found her a great teacher to follow and I do encouge Sound not to give up this chace to learn from her. the Nature Science teacher is a good guy too. prepraing a lot of not in the textbook materail for the kids and to bring up the interesting of the studenst. the discussion and debating in the Nature Science class must be hirilliras. I like the mas teacher as well, she is smart and knows how to lead the kids knowing more about mathmatic.

We had a good set dinner at King Du restaurant located in the center of Puli street. I am surprised to see that the famous HK gourment Mr. Tasi Lain bring his gourment tour to this resaturant in 2008.

Friday is a big day for me: morning with David Huei of Spirox and receive a not complete enough offering letter in the afternoon, I am checking the problem area and will like to fix it up with David after consult David Huang today.

Stantly is defenitely a great leader, a leader every one wish to learn from and work for. the foundation is in an infant stage, I know the contribution I made will be significant and I know this is the area ( Creative and Culture Industry ) I am good at. but I do have a few concern I need to addree with Lulu first.

Stantley and Lulu, together they are willing to provide me a 3 months project base contract for 300.000 NT. it's so nice of Lulu. she called me at Friday night and learned my situation of can't make decision now, a very light complain about not able to inform her my current status with Spirox before go to see Stanley. I apologized to her and told her that she bring me luck and it all comes after she called me on last Sunday. I will get back to her on Wed.

If follow my heart, I will choose The Alliance Foundation and to idetify any business opportunity in between ( enterprise or social enterprise ), if I want to stand in the pool of commercial world, then I shall get away from my comfort zone and explore to Spriox, the steps I took is prudent this time, I shall never repeat my mistake again. time waits for no one, for a man of 50, no laspe of waste I can afford.

2010年3月12日 星期五

Spirox approching the final stage

David called in the early morning yesterday for 2 things, the second thing in regard to Spirox is the main topic, he asked if I relay the CHR offering information to Meiling and discussed? I said yes and with a positive response, he felt much better and check if the online leadership survey conduct or not, as I didn't receive it yet, David said he will push it forward and address 2 things with me:
1. I need to reduce my extracurity if working in Spirox, probabely to keep the Forum relationship only.
2. He is the Vice Chairman of the company, pretty much the same situation when he worked in Yegoe and Steven was the Vice President. I can sense his concern.

Going to library to fix the Christian History in Middle Centry Europe history, as I wish to deliver a clear and correct information to Meiling, it's quite interesing to check the history book from this perspective : Christ / Juses wasn't treated as good guy, that's why he was nailed to cross , and 330 years after he passed away, the first Roman King make Christ the offical region in the country, then it flow to 1300 of Europe history : from 1059, the Red Rope Bishop hold the right to electe their Pope, this is the break point to show the King who rule the world. and Herny the 4th fight with pope and surrender, but at the same time, Ben dou, Calvin and Marting Lude started the rigion revolution, the new regision fight with the old one, and the Jeuse Club, promote the innovation internal instead of revolution external mindset and helping to shape the turn luxury and selling redemption ticket Christian.. Henry the 8th - for the marriage issue, forming his won sub-religion, how come he can cut off 5 of his wivies ( Queens ) head? unbelieveable...

Islam derive from Christine ( or Jues ) same as Christian, another interesting region development. Mahamud promote the only GOD - Ala and with Koran and Knife, the Arab conquer the world, the Islamquce architecture texite show the arts wihout any animal or human shape, a very interstring art form development...

Having the delicioue eel rice at Tain Chin street finally. David Hue called for the final offering to Spirox this morning, the yes and no will show up in a few hours.

2010年3月10日 星期三

The Long Life project

using the Mind Map, I am thinking putting Stanly's brand integrate with Newman's Own concept for the Social Enterprise development of my own. here is the blue print:
1. Brand : Long Live Organic and Green ( idea derived from Newman's Own : Stanly's credicial and Hulian / Taitung organic argriculture producer )
2. Channel and Marketing : David Du's WeWong produce line or Yu Feng Yu's organice product line. entail with online / ecommerce with Yahoo
3. R & D : Far East Univesity Vice President and his professional team., Egg prouduct to tie up with Mr. Hochen's friend.
4. Social Enterprise / Socila Marketing flavor : a Product Red similar line-up with Pantagonia 10% donation to Huilien / Taitung charity , community use.
5. The B - corporate / Honesty tea / nuture juice mindset for green production , accessment with SGS Certification process.
6. A potencial Good Shop CVS co-op with the local community to access to Celine's connection.
7. Introducing point system / membership machnism for green / organic / wellness / LOHAS social base marketing.
8. Farmers' Mart / Eco tour / Corporate Sponsership with CSR tie up.
Now I have the luxury for working with Stanly on his foundation 3 months. his initative in Hulian / Taitong can help me to do basic research. I shall be ready for this.

Spirox and David double

I didn't sleep well or much the night before meeting with David Shu - Chairman and CEO of Spirox, Meiling worried about me very much, she is not happy. as I shared with her the insight from Mark Han in reagard to the complementary role I might perform with Stanly Yen, it seems opportunity close its window again.

woke up by 6 am, do a quick wash up, I took the city bus and transfer HSR to Shing Chu, taking the 7:06 am train, arrvied by 7:38, as I don't want to wandering around outside of the office too long, so I decieded to take my breakfast at Mos Burge ( the information I recently obtained that this late fast food comer is now the number 2 fast food chain next to McDonald in Taiwan, surpass Kenturkey Chicken and promote its local organic food and ingredient purchase ), take a cab to Spirox, the driver told me the traffice is very bad, it might take one hour if we go with the routine route, as I am the first time here, I take his advise and we go circle around and pay the same due - 240 NT, I arrived by 8:15 am, enough time to enjoy coffee in the Fami Mart.

Spirox building is located in the center of the city, I can tell when the building constructed, this is a newly developing land, but now the premium give it at least double value. It's a clean and neat building. I was there 10 minutes before our appointment set by 9:00 am, yes, due to the bad traffic in the cold raining morning, David late for 10 minutes, this is good for me, I have time to relex, reading newspaper, preparing myself before he rush in the meeting room, grab my C.V. withoug learning more.

David like to asked smart question, this is how he loved. he heavily depend on system ( or machinism ),the interviewing, yes, it is , last for 2 more hours, and I graduatly check the skirt of his working philosophy in Spirox:
1. The company or him fails in working with a great HR system in 10 years, the HR M( management ) is good, however, the HR D ( Development ) was disappointed, every senior HR head suffer from the development and left within 2 years of career life cycle. so, they want to try someone with business experiecne instead of HR knowledge.
2. David is into charity now, it take away his weekend and his heart, so he need some one to help integrate and lead the company on its diary operation: this is what David Hung dislike and why he is looking for CSO and CHO now to share the work load.
3. David is asking management team to relocate in Shin Chu, find an apartment here, for the concentration of work and for the quality of life.
4. David is hype with my CSR experience and urge me to work with him on the foundation development on weekends
5. David wish me to reduce my non-companywide activity and focus on a FULL TIME obligation.
6. David is surprised to hear my 3 millions annual salary reqirement.
7. David asked me to follow an online personality accessment by the HR consulting firm.

I didn't know Meiling is favor this high-tech industry development with the CHO title. what I didn't know is she don't want me to limit myself as the CHO at this firm, be a shareholder, a director or to buyout if David Huang and David Du behide me.. the CHO postion is a good start to understand core competance of this company, to know the real accest and to learn the basic of the industry.

Now what I should worry are:
1. with the capital of 1.25 billion NT, the small capital size is easy to be manupilate or merged, if it's a hostile take over, then the management team will experienc an earthquake.
2. the job security is low, how to develop the " can't leave me , highly depending " capabilily is critical for an industsry outsider like me.
3. David Huang's role in make or break the company and how am I survive his game.
4. The round 2 negociation on the basic groud David address before.

ohter than this, I felt comfortable to find another home to work with. to learn, to contribute and to get to next level of achievment. after the David Shu session, David Huang share with me his view point for another 30 minutes, honest and frankly.

Having the sushi bar lunch after the long interviewing , I did it at Breeze Food Course at Taipei railway station, then follow the kick off meeting with Matthew in regard to the Wellness Retreat business discussion.

The wellness retreat research and preparation like my OWN assignment witout pay. for 3 reasons:
1. Matthew don't have enough local resource
2. We need to do it in Chinese writing
3. He don't like to do or conduct detail matter.

it's very time consuming for me, I need to figure out a smart way to do it quick with helper and with perosn I can liasion as soon as possible.

The night before:
SEE foundation Taiwan branch launch dinner take place at Ritz hotel with the new chairmanship George Chen, Mark and a few YPO friend were there at the dinner, I decline the appointment of Secretary - General position , it's no way to waste my time doing this anymore.

Celine came and brought me +_2 degree DVD for Mark and brought me the suite Mr. Kong give me, I tried it after dinner, it's too large, however, the gesture is good and the warm last forever.

Monday morning:
Visiting Shio Tang as Bali, it's been a long while, no wonder the thrine maintainace said he didn't saw me for a long time, it's 14 years, a hell to Shio Tang smooth my mind. after the very short stop, we go to the Bali port, Meiling want to try the seafood , the shell fish, well, we didn't finish them all. our next stop and the stop always is the Black Shop - the renovate port rib rice shop, the business is too good to believe. some Japanes tourist came, take the picture and acclaim to the delicacy they just enjoyed. it's amaze to see my colleage years little shop turn to a signiture eating spot in Tamsui.

2010年3月8日 星期一

Port of return

I decided to bring Sound to the movie " port of return " on Sunday morning before his school bus come to pick them. the reasons: I've told him the night before but due to the headache, I gave up the idea, and because this is the first animation invested by CHT ( Mr. Hochen era ) and directed by A-QUAI, a friend of mine, and the third reason is to support this local animation on weekend box office.

There are only 6 people in the cinema, 3 groups, I guess all of us take the movie ticket exchage couple. the 75 minutes of animation talking about a lover who were break up by a war between Heaven and Hell, the boy waiting at the port for the girl everyday for 60 years, as the girl was bomb to dead on the first day of war, but she didn't realized that she is no longer in the human world until she gave up her " Insistant " then saw herself transperent to everyone... the story is a Zen mentophor love story, beautiful and romantic, but the animation itself consist with many successful factor which local producer and director didn't identified yet. if I have to point out the problem I saw?
1. blur target audience : kid? teenager or family audience. not clear
2. animation touch and skill : many the production budget is not good enought, some of the picture shows a " animation book yet animation film " effect.
3. language consistancy : local dilect for creating funny effect was't a pleasant audience experience, and why to show the wiz and demostrate the underware of female charator is what I can't figure it out
4. Boring : no tipping point in the whole animation, you can hardly catch what's the image you carry after the show.
5. Ease meet West : the murmuring of Chinese Poem or Suthra of Zen is not appearing, using 4 character name to imitate Japanese similarity and Ghost story long tone effect combining with star war galaxy.. too complicate and no consistacy to reflect east meet west.

Sound's comment : if the film spend 120 millions, then why not use the money to buy 1.2 millions cartoon books and build a cartoon library? the impact might be much greater.

Seeing Sound off by 2:40 pm and went for the second run movies with wife: the 4 wheel roller directed by Drew Barrymore is a good one. Goat is truly an intersting movie, no wonder the viewers' comment is 2 extream.

Lulu called and check if I am OK to take the temp free lense consultancy job helping Stantly's foundation, the fees might be 50000 / month for 3 months. she is nice to me and I am OK with this..

2010年3月6日 星期六

Mr. Kong, Mr. Han, Mr, Hochen and Mr. Yu Kwang

This is not pre-arranged appointment, but it all fall in one day. in the morning, one of my music mentor Mr. Yu Kwang : The icon of concert promoter in Taiwan call me and asked if I am in the office now, he sit at the Starbucks located at the ground level of Himalaya and send this gentel coffee invitation to me, when I told him that I am no longer with Mr. Han, he is a little bit surprise and with a pleasant mood to wait for me at the coffee shop for another 30 minutes. Meiling drove me to the starbucks and we unpdate and shared many things. the message came from him is " No secret ", he talked about the getting crowded concert market in Taiwan, the old and new coming, the raised of cost, identified new venue with excitement but the business less -accuman cause him wondering if this is the human nature, a gentleman approched his 70s, living in his romantic dream still. I evny him. the lesson learned are:
1. Han Chang ERIC is not the idea person to work with. the story about Princess Dorendou, NBA and NML . and
2. the Ho's group business in developing Kaoshung Dome ,
3. Eric Liueng's new idea about local production. ( better one )
4. Lee Ming Chi of Dada doing Richard Marx and Deep Purple.
5. Fufu's Tears for Fears...

Mr. Kong prepare me his brand new suite, I was moved by his sincerety. he really care about me and this might cause the jeoursous of Mr. Han, I can't disclosed too much but to thanks Mr. Kong for his unconditional support to me and Li Chun, Celine and the team shooting a video for Mr. Kong, a nice good bye wave.

Mr. Han's lunch is like the routine before. how can he asked too deep about my career or job, this will embrassing both of us, we only eat , yes, at Bellini again, this is the meals we did in 2 months. he is 80 now, sharing me with the 3 stories , I've listened to them for at least 10 times. how he conduct first loan with Tai Power, the story with Hwa Yi Bankd and Chiang Zen Ming. and the China Petro 90 millions US loan... thoes grory days are gond but this is the battle he bold to take, maybe he is advising me to take BOLD step. maybe.

30 minutes with Celine to check if she is OK with the rush moving notice? she is fine to me on the surface.

Hochen spend 2 hours with me and this can last for another hour if I don't ask for the bill, we really had good time at Smith and Hsu. the nice boutique Western Style - Local run tea house. this is the ture sample of Creativity Industry.. you enjoy the ambienct, the tea, the tea ware and the art it present.. with quality you are willing to pay for. we only spent 380 NT, but Mr. Hochen give me a 380 billions business idea: the Global IDC and Back Up site business.. a national and interantional combined genius idea. I will spend a few days study it and see how to access to the right channel.

Checking Spirox information at the animation library with Sound. Spirox seems to be a good company, but I need to cleary a few key points : long term / short term, industry or functional adapability , susainablity and trend in the future. be prodent and be careful about every step I take. and don't forget to let my Forum share their insight.

Sound's realtionship with class teacher cause a certain degree concert for me and Meiling, I am not so deeply concerned, but I know I need to find a good time to share with him, and I did it this morning at the oyster rice noodle shop before we walked in the animation and cartoon library. he is mature enough to discuss with me and I am appreciated his maturaity to help me clear the air. and one more thing, I explained to him why drop the idea of brining him to Shuttler Island and he fully understand and gratitude to my deepen thoughts.

Sound decided not to take the class role model honor , as he is not willing to run for the shool-level campaign, I respect his decision and support his decision, and I share with Sound how to reslove this good intention with all classmate who vote for him and not to disappoint class teacher...

2010年3月5日 星期五

Prorox and others

After the 2 so closed things, on the same night, my emotional rosed, I complained about Fruit and upset about paying so much money on this ugly daughter, her mother can't help to response to Fruit on whatever request, including the health club membership, I don't know why a high school student need to spend decent money on this, especially under my current finiacial situation, it's like a devil post curse on Meiling, she just can't help to spend money on all the request from Fruit, and to bear with her bad attitude all the time, my conclusion to the conversation is, since she eat my meat and drink my blood, whenever we have eye contact, now, I am not dislike her, I hate her indeed. there's no itimacy between father and daugher, I can't understand why she even think about her family? and I can't understand why Meiling should stop the wrong doing? my emotion exit for 30 minutes, as I know Fruit is the key presure to Meiling, I respect her decision, but 2 days later, even post my feeling now, the anger rise immidiately.

Wood is a young man we met in YEF , he tried very hard to contact all the mentors in YEF, no matter how familiar they are, he called me before Chinese New Year and we finally meet for lunch yesterday. 2 purposes serves : I share with him my experience in LCPC, as he is the account from IBM, and I illustrate how he should plan his career. it surprised me that young man in the job market don't have good mentor to guide, no matter how talent they are, everybody know they are going somewhere, but nobady can point out exactly where it is.

David asked me to help on Forum retreat, I have no problem since my time is more flexiable then he, when we have drink at Hagendaz, he came across an idea about my next move : Chief HR Officer at one company he associated with, he mentioned that the CHO development cope with my coaching / consulting mindset and this company is looking for CSO ( Chief Strategy Officer ) and CHO now, David called the president and arrange an appointment on next Tuesday morning, it bring me some excitement, calling Meiling, she is not so exciting as this is working for others again, maybe a repeating mistake, I am not sure, if certain opportunity come and I don't catch it, then I may not able to find anything in next 6 months. Matthew sent the outline for preparating our project entitled " Moving on ", again, catch 22 stir me up.

It's OK to check Eugenia's status, Walkie E. Share structure remain unchaged, due to the uncertainty of tech share from Mr.Hu , who Walkie wish to license his e-ticketing system, so the final capital size can't be decided now, there are 2 problems now : lunch of business will be after summer, no income for the short time and Daniel's show / concert company won't be open until summer, or even later as he is still in the unhealthy financial loops.I have no direct involvement , so... give my skin deep support to Eugenia only.

2010年3月3日 星期三

So closed

It happened twice in a day, a so closed risk arrived without invitation today while Meiling and I took a day for the Northern East Coast Highway tour. The first risk took place at Wei Aao recreation spot, when park our car outside the Cafe ( Now it's OT to Mr. Brown Cafe', a smart move for them ), when crossing the street to the cafe', Meiling jail walk and I followed without noticing a fast car is coming, there's a traffice light right before me and I didn't walk the line but runing through the highway, the car horn me loud and I almost hitted by the car, so close, I didn't realized how dangerous I was until I woke up to Meilings' yelling. that's so close, I should never ever do it again.

then in a hour, when we dicided to take highway No. 9 back to Taipei, right before the trafic light, we decided to turn right headed for highway No. 9, a motocycle driver didn't see our right turn sign, he drove straight and almost hit our car, in order not to cause the accidenct, the motocycler driver follow our route and turn right until the first U turn, he stared at me and heading to us, we are lucky to go fast and there are 2 traffic police on patrol which stop the young driver chasing us. it was so closed...

In the morning, before going out for noodle breakfast, actually, it was almost 10 in the moring, a tree - flower - fruit tree trunk stop at our front door, accidentally, I saw the truck carried many fruit tree, include papaya, tangeline , golden daze and golden little chilly. asked Meiling if she would like to buy one for our garden? we finally bought one daze and one little chilly. the mobile garderner is a nice guy, he should be at his mid 70s, he told us that he began doing business with our society 30 years ago and service a few of our neighbors before, we invited him into our frond garden and to check the trees we planted. he only told us 2 things: Tree like human, they need plenty of Water, Sun and Fresh Air, second is very few Taiwanese planted 4 trees at home, either 3 or 5 should be fine, woops, we hit one local taboo, we better remove one tree and leave more room for rest of the 3 trees.

May called, I didn't response immediately, took a guess what's the matter, I was right, it's about moving of csr Community office from the Himalaya Foundation, she send the notice to Celine, Celine asked for another month, until April, Mr. Han have her to check with me, my suggesting? to let them communicate directly and I will later call up Celine for provide my caring and check how she is going to find a new office? it's like tearing apart, now I better think how to inform YPO my new contact, really. no hiding, no messing..

Highway No. 9 is so beautiful, in the old days, this is the only highway connected between Taipei and Yilan, then comes the Pacific Highway, finally, Snow mountain tunnel kill both and become the major traffice route. we take No. 9 without any traffic, enjoy the scene and talk on the way back home.

A good day with Meiling, I am not sure how many good days left for us, but I will precious and keep good memories of every good days we been together.

Visit Walkie Entertainment office

Thinking what to bring to see Jay and Eugenia ( Joe probabely and Scott : I am not sure ), Meiling and I decieded to feed them with good tasting Meat Dumpling, we bought 24 dumpling , 12 vege and 12 port at Kang Lo Yi : the best meat dumpling ( bun ) shop in Taipei.

I arrived 15 minutes late, the office located next to the formal Himalaya Records Office and in between Sony Music : just on the corner of Kwang Fu North Rd and Nanking East Rd. the area I've been fooling around for years , a combining 8 years in Sony Musice and 3 years at Himalaya Records. they rent the office on the 6 floor. around 30 pings. can easily arrange 10 seats and one meeting room. simply and have Eugenia's style. I met all of them and share Bum with them, all of them love it, Joe is surprises how I know prepare vegetable Bum for him, to be honest, I am not preparing this for him, simply because the Bum is good. Joe is on mouring , his father in law passed away recentaly. as I didn't know whether the vege bum is pure vege or looks vege. finally, we found the chalk pork inside the vege bum... well, it's too late to tell.

I signed the director paper and asked Eugenia when to desposit my 10000 NT. she response with slight sound : no now and no one did... it recall the day we had lunch with Jay and Jasmine, Jay mentioned something like his mother went to temple and drawing one bamboo stick on behalf of Jay, the temple god advised Jay not to partner with others, because it will lead to argument... I don't know if my guessing is right, if this is true, Eugenia will live a bad life since. told Meling about it after home, we though I should try to know more about the company and the share as Eugenia is a close friend to us...

Went to Library after the Walkie E. visit, stayed for 3 hours, borrow 2 book and had my notebook fixed at Jay's office. bought 500 G hard driver. it's a good day.

2010年3月2日 星期二

I almost forget the theme of the blog

Should I change the theme or follow the coaching rule : come up with one inspiration shot per day? I choose the later one. The conversation with Eric Tseng part 2 took place finally after the Rice Dumpling Festival. He change the restaurant from one seafood restaurant to a recreation spot : Marimar, although the WHY came from his mouth is : my convenience of taking MRT here, but he igore my specility in detecting details, after the meal, while walking to Starbuck, we chat about how the department store's business after constrcution of MRT station at Marimar, he said something about very bad, and why, because he was here yesterday, on the festival day and on Sunday but no crowd at all, so,I realize he changed our meal here simply because he was here yesterday and we probably eat at the same restaurant : The Japanese Deep Fry Pork Fellet restaurant.

Althought I prepared his Thank you and sorry message, but when Eric share why this pre-corporation can't work out, I felt a little bit disappointment, since I am ready to take any challenge and fight for my goal. there's 2 things different from what Eric addree when we discussed this corporation before Chinese New Year:
1. They will set up company first before bringing the Hello Kitty Festival, as the 2 young man wish to build their brand on the festival.( how come not to ask me if I want to be the third sharholders ? )
2. There's no 6 months project for building the team and to try if the project works ( why so bold to inject 150 millions on 2 stranger ? )

anyway, this is a waving good-bye scenario, it gave me more time to think and work on my own foot. scary? no, empty? no,I need to fill my life instead of filfill time for life. schedule and planning my own growth is essential now, I am worring about Meiling, she seems can't stand for it, from the caring perspective or from the family financial security perspective... there's no much I can do now.

Helping a British lady find her destination in the moring is a good feeling, She look at the map at the Chung Sung and Nanking cross road, I stand next to her and offer my help to bring her to the Chang Chun corner. I felt happy.

Sending Cholocate to Ivory at Regent Hotel myself is another happy thing, to greet people who help you in good gesture is at least I want to do, I hope the cholocate suit the ladies taste.

complete the Forum evaluation form scan and forward it to chapter, one spouse who didn't circle 10 points cause my interest. a very honesty woman.

bought a few book at San Ming book town. good reading again.

2010年3月1日 星期一

Liner life or Cycle life

Liner or Cycle life detect sensor keep buffing in my brain for many days, the trigger is Maya calendar : when watched the 2010 Amanganda on Discovery Channel, 2 things enbeded : The first cycle in human history : 260 days when Maya adapt it from the preganecy of a woman, then comes the 360 days to follow the SUN. second thing is how we see time or life, if life is liner, then the termination of life is a TOMORROW, if life is cycle, then the termination of life is a YESTERDAY ONCE AGAIN. how I finally spot all the core value of religion. they taught human we are all in Cycle life, before and after life connected with our life today.. so, be good, don't hurt anyone and be patient, what you suffer today was the karma from yesterday...

2 movies yesterday really moved me, one is Hochiyachi - the royal dog's true story on screen. how come a dog can wait at the same place for the pass away master for 9 years ( almost the whole dog life ), based on the true story in Tokyo 1925, the film producer changed it to somewhere in a small town in US, Richard Gere is a sexy professor who adopted the lost dog and how the dog encoutered with the family, why a dog fetch a ball? must be a reason. not to mention our human being. a meaning, a purpose, an incentive. a WHY.... when people doing things to us, owe us a why. knowing why, you slove 90% of your question.

The other movie is " Ernie Davis ", I wathed it while exercised on the bicycle, if not for the great film, I would not stay on the paddle for 100 minutes. in late 50s, in the STATES, how a black athelecs been treated and finally respected. Ernie's true story really inspired me. become one of the base football runner back in 1960 when playing at college, the race discrimination was high and he knows why he want to play a good ball and to let thoes who despite him turn to respect him, he made it, the inspiring part come to his not able to be the professional football player. he developed cancer and die at the young age of 23.. a great lost and a great story to be told. I will check more about Ernie... I admire him.

Meiling and I took a lunch visit to Beitou traditional market, I ate at 3 different port soup vendor and pass through a giant noodle bowl shop. I love the scene on the Beitou MRT station. a combination of Old and New, the banyan tree outside the station make you feel like sitting and listen to the breathe of the breeze. we spend like 3 hours there. nice weather, nice food and nice walk with Meiling. the semtimenal scence cause me certain degree of romantic or poemtic.

Read half the Under the Water, it's a brief story about the culture revolution. Lee Yung ( Yeh Hu ) is a power writer. deep and cut.

2010年2月28日 星期日

Too good to be ture

If you take pre-caustion to everything, things might not turn to what you expect.. here is the story

Hochen had a new assignment, to consult Macau on its RTS development, he never been to Macau before, I voluntee to introduce the Truffle chocolate couple, I obtain certain degree of today Macau from the couple a few years ago via the introduction of Shu Kao Chi... Hochen and I set the appointment by 4 pm on Sataurday at Yung Kang Park.. and I believe Shu call the couple arleady.

In order to make sure it's opne, and to double check the address, I arrived by 2:45, the store closed, carefully check the operation hour, they open from Tuesday to Saturday from 2 pm to 8 pm. so, the shop should be opne in 15 minutes, however, a red note posted on the iron door cause me puzzle, it mentions : Spring Party today.. no business today.. I have no idea whatsever and there's no store telephone on the wall. in order not to let Hochen running for this empty mission, called and send messaged to Hochen cancled this appointment. Why? because it's only 1 hour away , my curiosity force me to wait, so find the bean baker cafe, order a 150 NT latte and sip until 3:30 pm, walked back to the shop, It opens. what to do next? the couple must expecting guest like us.. I push the door, a short greeting and mention about Hochen is not available to come today, but I am here to buy some Cholocale, so... I spend 350 for the Truffle Cholocale ( this is what I can do as token to Ivory - VIP at Regent Hotel who help me preparing Forum Training ), then I though I should ring Hochen about my " Too detail and broke the bowl ", he is not answering the phone.... this is the story I made yesterday.

bougt the book " Under the river " at Kingstone bookshop next to Ding Tai Fang, waited Meiling at the health center and finished reading first chapter, a good book.

We decided to see " Shutter Island " , it's a so so film, but Martin Scorescess is a great director. after the movie, I accompany Meiling to her favarite hot pot restaurant, we enjoyed a 2 hours non-healthy meal last night.

Eric sent a message for lunch appointment on Monday, I am OK, the basic line is not to be moved by external matters . no matter its happy or sorrow.

2010年2月27日 星期六

Spouse Forum Training

My pilot show took place yesterday at Regent Hotel, for prepare this training, I spent like 20 more days in digest how the script and content should be, to be honest, even thought I have full confidence that it won't be a bad experience, but on the Model Forum Training session, I need to put more efforts before, it's a very energy and time consuming session, but once the module built, I am sure it will be a easy task for me in the years to come, what I NEED to exercise more is the Modeling the Meeting session.

The night before the training, I accompany Mark, Chen Shu, Celine,She Chen Cheng Tong and Shiao Hwan of SEE foundation to a late tea chat at the famous Tze Tung Lu tea house. come home by 11:30 pm, this is the main reason why the Model meeting session can't be 100% confidence to carry.

The training begin at 8:30 am, I arrived at Regent Club by 7:30 am, set up the PC, Music and Hand out, then Helen checked in , the first spouse who equipped with Forum experience in Scottland before was excited to learn if Taiwan can form such a Forum as she kept hearing that Forum is the value of YPO, I have been to Daniel and Helen's house at Shuzu on my Long Chen days, I was there for my Moon Festival if I was right. Danile is a very nice gentelman and Helen is a very independant lady, a model couple to me really. among the 8 attendee, I have shallow encounting experience are : Helen, Flora ( on our trip to couples' outing in Vietnam ), Jill ( the ADHD experience sharing together ) the rest of spouse were knew to me. follwoing is my profile in observation:
1. Adrine : easy going,
2. Sandy : eager for any growth session, not a happy person
3. Christine : can share, conservative and a business woman
4. Patricia : Man like, easy to be linked
5. Shrie : not able to tell now, but a team member.

Helen, Sandy, Jill and Flora ( Patricia ? ) love to read, so, whenever I quote book, they take note and even corrent me : such as Chasing Daylight instead of Shadow...in the afternoon, while Jill is hesitate to be the presenter and sharing the issue which to her is not urgent, I explained to her this is a role play to help me conduct such a training, a precise lawyer like her agreed, and finally, after the sharing session, I know she harvest in certain degree and understand why I pick her why the " Issue owner is the issue slover, the presentation lean to a more constructive, organized way for them " the group going deeper and deeper at the Presentaion session and they decided to forum a Forum immidiately, and I was asked to be the temporary moderator before next moderator training. I response positively under one condition, this have to be proved by Taipei Chapter.

I was exaugted after the training and I believe everyone did, take taxi home, had a quick vege dinner, to be relax, I tend to go to movies, asked Meiling to come with me to the " Shutter Island ", as the showing time is 9:45 pm, we take nap at the living room coach, I falling sleep and decided not to go out then, I really felt tired.

Second Kelung River pre Kick Off meeting hold on Thursday to Li Chun, I was there to show my support. and before the meeting, Celine honest told me 2 things:
1. consultant company will not make money, but meaning and the achivement of helping company change certain behavior , CSR is a good approch.
2. I need to think clear what I want to do next, for my past experience, I never earn money, but wait for someone to give me money ( on payroll in multi-national company )

Jay sent a greeting mail, an invitation tone, my response is to see him and Engenia next week, well, I didn't know Celine check there office alrady and have a wild dream of join there office, yes, I clearly told Celine this is Jay's company and Jay will never ever let anyone ( perticuy her ) to ruin his place... should I told Celine how Sherry describe her in front of Jay? this is the blind spot, a big blind spot to Celine.

Eric call and asked about having coffee next week, the Not in a hurry mood deliver the message of : I am going to tell you our corporation won't take place but friendship remains ", I am fine with this and should stick on the no pay, no service bottom line.

Si Chen, Tei Chi, Celine dinner on Thursday was great, we talk so much about rock history in Taiwan..I should check the book Chen Shu mentions at the tea session ( Mother at the river )

2010年2月25日 星期四

Nice in Suite

I was wearing Suite for the day without a tie, Meiling urge me not to look like a humble unemployed aged person. so, I decided to turn my image right away, to keep a leash and clean shape, it will ultimately move me to a better and brighter feeling.

That's how I started the day yesterday. after some house keeping ( including booking a wrong home stay for the Parent day on March 13th ), leaving home after cycling for a sweating 50 minutes, calling up the GPS taxi and heading for the lunch appointment with Matthew. he make reservation at Misusi - the expensive yet delicious Japanese restaurant located at the cross of Dun Haw Nan Rd and Civial Bolluvoard. I was there and as usual, he late for about 15 minutes - a reasonable window for accusing traffic in Taipei?

The communication starter is How we spend our Chinese New Year and the Habitute Domain of choosing Misuzi as our regular lunch venue. we were told always to leave the comfort zone, however, the old habit die hard, I am very impressed by his quit coffee for about 8 years, he told me he only take on coffee in Italy after decided not to consume Coffee, as I can remember, Matther addicted to coffee for many years, I knowe him at his late 29th and he is like drinking coffee like water, suffer ashmer seriously but keep a good exercise routine.

The idea of doing the wellness business is the few options I had right now, to team up with him it OK, although the drawing from temple at Taipeinshen show this is rank the 3rd in corporated with other opportunity. but Eric's might turn to ashes, and Louis, I don't think he is ready, for Matther, at least, he kept it in mind for years and try hard to bring me into the picture, how I convince myself this is a right step to go ? well, the extension of entertainment is leisure business and most likely it will toward a holistic wellness combine industry to comfort nowaday soul serching wandering mid-upper class people as there 40 / 50's. for the first 3 months, to put together a plan to solicite investor, there won't be any pay, I can sense it, and after we identify the angle or primary investor, we might begin to get paid, I am asking Matther to think on behalf of me, I am too tired of manipulate the structure now, the decent conversation with Eric is another lesson, but a good lesson.

Tom make an appointment with me around 3 pm, at Mossaci, the elegent English Tea house locate at Yung Kang Park, I was there a couple of times, this time, I really detected that Tom's EQ is below average, why to Report to me his current job at CHT and his play to deploy the project, I am not intrested at all, how come he never sense the need and request from the one who help him over? I don't really got it, to spend time with him is a totally waste of time, the string is now untack, there's no point to reconnect him again. he can't help, don't know how to help or ignoring the help needed. what a strager guy.

check in the blind massage center at Chi May, I have't been there for months, cause by the teechache, I tried to seek pain relief exit, walked up to the center, what suprise me is they assige me a female masssger, young with good looking face, I am wondering is anyone told her before, she is good in treating my body, escpecilly the leg, I feel really good after the one hour treatment.

2010年2月24日 星期三

ROBECO and Frances

I was there for printing matter, as long as csr community exist, I may take the advantage of 2 things : an offical business card with the title " Founder " and to use the office facility for free.... this is what I did yesterday, I was there around 1:30 pm, greeting to Celine and Kim, then Celine invited me to a meeting / chat with Frances Chang : CEO of ROBECO, an investment entity which focus much on the responsible investment / sustainable investment today, she point the future to li chun : the history repeats, if li chi dig and collect / analys data base hard enough, it may turn to the S.A.M ( Subsideray Asset management company under DJ - DJSI )version in Greater China. she is professional trained and very precise on goals, strategy and target, but I know there's no way Celine would like to get there : from her nature, from her behavior and from her goal in life, she is even conservertive than me, really. a good lesson to take while my teech pain killing me at the same time.

Check Regent Club for Friday FORUM FUNDEMENTAL TRAINING, it's OK, since this is not the first time VIP service doing this, and Ivory is a very capable lady also. Kitty will fly to Bacelona for GLC workshop tomorrow, a good new year gift to her, and I also prepare an oboriginal token for her, as she prepare extra job for me at coming training. what interesed me is : on Friday, I will be all alone, no YPO staff and officer, only me.. alone with 9 other spouse of YPOer.

Teethache coming back, I need to take medication, check in Borden Phamacy and asked for the pain killer, the prescrition care taker asked how come the denties didn't provide it to me yesterday? well, this I don't know either.

Meiling and I met at her gym and we go for a brief dinner, stopped by a neighboring newly open Shen Xi restaurant " Chin Feng Wei ", a very small, tiny and focus local restaurant, ther serve only 7 dishes with the price range between 60 -- 120 NT and offer some appertizer at counter, I saw 2 chef license on the wall, we order on traditional Shen Xi figure noodle soup, it is so delicious.

Meiling asked me to join the Confusin DVD session, the story is totally odd to the history we know, and I don't see a clue of what kind of audience the film wish to attract? Chinese ? Foreiger? I pose a big question mark to the director and producer. it's a pity to waste such a great actor : Chew Ren Fa.

Sending a greeting mail to Ker Sheng, I doube if she may check her email, but if she did, the simply greeting may let her feel better, if no response, then we can sense the brain tumor is a issue to her right now..

2010年2月23日 星期二

Sunday was the last winter holiday with Sound

Last Saturday, the day before Sound's new semester, we decided to have a spicy hot pot lunch with Meiling - the one we pick is located at Kung Quang. it offers all you can eat buffee style hot pot. Sound and I arrived earlier, make a reservation and we stroll along Ting Chew street.

The food is too much for me. after the unhealthy food. we both agree to have our hair cut at the near-by barber shop, I've been there once, run by 2 elderly women with skilled hands.. Sound have no objection about doing anything on Saturday.

The last activity before home on Saturday was go to Ya Tong hostipal to take my prescription heart medicine. Sound was fond in eating bread suddenly, so, we bought enough bread for him on our way home.

When check up the winter homework, we found History is the class assignment we miss, turn on the PC, browsing information, we managed to finished it by 11 pm. iPhone games are Sounds' best campaign during this winter, he played until one in the morning..

I feel a little bit sad when thought about his departure , the intimacy build over the winter was so tight, Sound become my best friend -- especially at my current situration : between jobs and between opportunity, less external communication and no one can really share things together. Sound became the primary pillar to my soul building. we talked and discussed almost everything, including his mother, sister and grand mother. I am so enjoy the time spend with him. awar of his domitary life begin on Sunday, I am feeling sad and a little bit lonely. I means, a sense of lost occurs.

As I am a little bit concern about the New Year traffic, urge every family member woke up earlily on Sunday. we left house by 7 am, and what a surprise, the traffic is even better than usual, we stopped at Chin Sui rest area by 8:45 am and stayed there until 11 am.

Sound checked in Pu Tai by 12:05, supposely, I am prepared to be with him until the last call for gathering : according to the parent instruction, the time is 12:50, but Sound changed to a young adult, stop my at the door of domitary and give me a very light hug -- very different from what we did at home, and wave me good bye. I know he is ready for the model in school , physically and mentally.

counting back the days we spend during the 32 days of winter?
1. we go to more than 5 movies togeter.
2. we ate together and buying books for 5 times.
3. we watched the mini serise at home for 20 hours.
4. we bath together once.
5. we play dart together ane I won
6. I download more than 30 new iphone games for him
7. half of the time, Sound slept until noon
8. we doing the school home work together
9. we went to Taichung over night and have great time to a Tamsui tour together.

Monday is a new day for everyone, the empty house feel so quite, Meiling is alone ranger, she plan her schedule to work out, the line from a book up to me so clearly : If you are not in jail, never self-prison yourself. I am shock about what I might experienced after, in the time and space between jobs, real change will happen, I should be clever enough to bail myself out of the self-prison cacoon.

In the morning, returning book to neighboring City Library, met with old time friend and colleage Same at Starbucks Kong Quang - to celebrate the back-to-work day, Starbuck offer buy one get one free campaign, you can see the line for a half-price good taste latte or americano.

Sam spent 2 hours telling me his China experience, bazzar and real, earn no money, generate some relationship but hard to be access to future. Sam is curious about why I invtied him for a drink once receive his greeting message, well, I didn't explained it too much, Sam is 47 years old, a veteran music man, nice and naive guy. his idea of putting insititution big shot into one database and to link with some tele-communication player and device manufacture.... I am no sure. but I am really impressed about his finacial management and can endure with no income for 2 years.

Spend my noon time at Library again for the Forum Fundemental training material : the work load is pretty heavy. but I have confidence to do it well on coming Friday.

The dental appointment set by 2:30 pm, Mr. Chen's dental clinic, a walking distance between home and library, the young doctor is less experience, the X-ray shows no big problem with my teeth, but how it hurt me for the past few days, especially on my left-hand head? if the pain is not cause by my teeth? then what will it be? I need a few days to find it out.

Home for unfinishing Forum training materials and waiting for Meiling to return home.

Sound called by 9:40 pm, told us some bad news: he is not enroll in class A, which means he is not eligible for scholarship this semester, there's not top 100 ranking lising annouce, which means there no drinking prize. Sound told us Ker Shiang - his class teacher developed brain tumor, so she won't be at school for the whole semester, she is so young and we met at school parent day twice..Sound didn't know the tumor is cancel or not, but we all wishing her well, Meiling never met her before, Ker Shiang is very nice to Sound.

2010年2月17日 星期三

A very length conversation with Eric

I am not sure if " To discuss everything before partnership " is a good strategy to take or not, but the lesson I learned in the past was if some hidden agend didn't disclose before shake hand, mis-communication and mis-understanding will mess up all the good intention in building business while keeping friendship. this is why when Eric knocked on my door before Chinese New Year asked about the future corporation, I told him that I have to think it all over and not to repeat my neglect of working ground again. and the long converation with Eric took place yesterday from 3:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the newly open department store : The Station.

It was raining and cold, I never felt such a cold before, probabely it contribute to the wet weather, so, I checked my iphone on the taxi, it is 12 degree, so chilly. The station is a warm place, during the new year holidays, crowd are gathering at public places such as theaters , scenic spots, amusement park and department stores, The Station to me is like a huge stadium, as it's the champion season for super ball, so many people floating at the groud, seeing , buying and eating ( the most ), I trust pocket picker love the place.

Eric and 2 team mate were at Starbucks, an architechture and John : the interesting guy who run Sun Way Bio. I step in their conversation and learned the project Eric running is " Hello Kitty Amusement Park " a festival similar concept to create a temperory amusment park for entertaining target customers ( kids below 12 and there parent / grand parent ), not a bad idea to start a new company on the exhizibition domain. the estimate investment is around 150 millions NT and the profit forecast is more than 100 millions, this is what I post a doubt on as they shoot for the 1 million attendee. never mind. the risk is mild, the only risk are : safety of the audience in the park, prevention hugh equipment damage during the typhoon season and some nature cause, safety of the beverage and food offer in the park. it should be a good business. I didn't share much of my thoughs when listen to their conversation, but to offer on idea on location selection : Taipei Zoo skirt -- The Zoo Mall area, as it almost run out of business, but the infransturace were there, facility can be reuse and it provide a good identity of kids garden - it's at the ZOO, it might create the effect of shooing 2 birds with one stone.

The rest of our time with Eric along is the conversation I prepared to go over with Eric, when took out my 4 pages memo, Eric is a little bit shock, he might not think of I will conduct such a serious talk, then asked if he may borrow my pen and paper.

I set the ground tone first, all I want to deal is the business side of this future corporation, why I am doing it is for keeping the good friendship with him and the well communication before hand is aiming for building a block of partnership. I am no sure if my prerequisite really pay off as I started my conversation with a very sensitive topic : Who make the final decision? Eric told me this is an open question and there won't be concrete answers, his experience told him if investor contribute money only and can say nothing about the business or join some business decision, problem will occure and he had such a bad experience, what I share with him is : How we define the professional manager and respect his / her business insight and integrity to conduct a successful business, Eric insisted that Western way is differently from Chinese way of managerment, we spend like hour discuss and debate on this topic, I like this, this is what I want him to think befor we shake hands.

Sensitive topics continues with : Authorization, Reporting, Human Resource decision, Method of communication and the working ethic and believes, for working ethics, I address on the " not a one call summon, appearing immediate working prinspal " this is what I hate about , the bossy boss, and how we see the working hours and working places. I know Eric is not favor with my viewpoints such as : If my sobodinate work until 2 am, to show my leadership, I must stay and win respect from this colleage, my point is totally different : I will asked why he must work at midnigh and see if there's a need for me to stay with him, then identify solution to change this behavior or replace this person..... The more I dig the sensitive issue, the more I admired the auther who write " The little black book about entreprenure ", you don't really want a partner if you don't really need it, or if the partner contribute on cash only, it will be fine..so, this is not the debate about east vs west, but human nature and human behavior.

The final part is the financial reward : for the project base, the gap is not huge, only the matter of 1 million project fees OK with the investor or not, although Eric emphesis on this is a learning proces without spending too much effor and time, only concentrate on buidling the future team, but I told him everything have cost, what if in 6 months, the project complete but the company will not establishing, then how should I caculate my risk? this is fine as there's a room for counter my fees. I will accept it when Eric return the call ( if he think the corporation terms is not an obstacle to overcome )

For the corporation part, I lay out the founder share , stock option, bonus and salary scheme for discussion, Eric is shocked, he never thought I am prepare to lay all the ground, he spend decent time explained to me the partnership should build on agreeable terms on " Fat salary or future bonus " since it will be critical for start up to spend too much on over head, of course, I fully understand his point, and I proces it once a few months before, but I need to address it, really to inform my need and want in advance, it everything is OK, then I should go my own way without finding partner or investor.

The end episode ? well, everything is open for negociation, but with a groud, I lay the ground and test the water of partnership, if it can't work out, we better not enter the corporation. for the project, I know my value and funtion is the figure head, to decorate the project and let it look good, a high level PR for the project and media, the cost of my brand need at lease 500.000, this is the bottomline to start. Now, I should took a passive attitude and wait for the call -- if any.

Eric told me that Brokens Bros. is working on U2 tour to Taiwan in Aug. ( Kaoshung Government offer a 50 millions co-investment ), well if the 360 degree concert come to Taiwan, will be the biggest entertainment news. in April, they will book Bob Dylan at Nankang convention center, woo, pretty risky, my wild guess is 50000 audience maximum, but, I shall be there, right? Mum.. too much concert, too little audience, too expensive tickets.

Am I finally falling in the entertainment sector? am I, or how to bring up the scale of entertainment business in Taiwan / China, or why should I do this?

Eric sold his Sun Way share to Danny, Green Battery share to Yeh Ko Yi, the cash he collect should be in his new investment private fund. I guess.

Now, my turn to thik the pros and cons in Eric's initaitve:
1. Is it a step to entreprenurship? if the answer is YES, I should well degist the little black book again.
2. Am I choose the right industry with my passion, capacilty and belive?
3. Should I identify Eric a right partner ? and who's behind? the assigning 2 executives will definetly create a " Workload - Performance - Contribution - Fairness " syndrome, how should I face it?
4. Is this project turn company approach help me achive my goals and dream in reality?

Oh Yes, we finally make our trip to Keelung on Monday , and ate some not so great temple vendor foods. and Sound raise temper when Meiling suggest to buy him new sports shoes, yes, the temper is the Gene in him. we can only bare with it.

2010年2月15日 星期一

The Plastic

On New Year Day, I woke around 10 am and decided to watch one wake up film, turn up the PPS and browse the documentary section, I choose the Plastic, this is quite an educational film, it covered varies area in Plastic and Human, Enviorment and the Solution today. my learning from the film: Use less plastic as much as possible, for the earth, for the health and for the better tomorrow.

Sound slept unitl 3 pm, I asked Meiling not to wake him up and see how good he can stayed on bad, this winter, I told Sound it's a physically not healthy , mental healthy winter for him, No exercise, over-eating and not following the daily life routine, on the other hand, build a even stronger itimacy with father, knowing the family more is the upside, I do worried that on the new semester, Sound will suffer the rigid school rules in the first few days.

Returning my holiday greeting message to friend. this year, Danny, Jamie, Andrew, the 3 forum brothers didn't send the holiday greeting, well, I didn't do it at the first place.

we dicided to go out by 4 pm, taking the North Coast Highway, we stop at Keelung but skip the temple vendor street strolling as there are too many people waiting for the parking, turn to the coast highway, McDonald become our diner room, 7-11 golden sand beach store is the recreation stop. we take the routine and finally drove to Shen Keng old street for walking, the old street operate later than before, not much to eat, not much to see, during the Chinese New Year holidays, people in the south move north and north go down south. we are wondering why there are more than one 5 star hotel in Shen Keng? I don't really get it.

Slept with Sound at the top floor - study room, promise him a sleep out of the house, do, we decided to do it together, the first 2 hours turn to the mosquito fight, we eliminate 4 mosquitos...

This is the New Year Day, Eric return with the message of seeing each other in 2 days. a lot to think, a lot to discuss..

2010年2月14日 星期日

Happy Chinese New Year

As last year, we planned to take a hot spring bath before New Year Eve dinner, Sound and Fruit didn't want to go, so, Meiling and I stepped out of our door by 8:00 am and heading for Wu Lai Paulside Hot Spring Resort.

The weather is cool for the hot spring, cold and raining, Meiling is a good hot spring bath taker, she can stayed for a day, I am not, everytime I go to hot spring, 40 minutes is the maximum time I am endurance in the hot water, then I will feel dizzy and sleepy.

The book I bought day before help me spent decent time at the hot spring resort, The Spirit of Day is a collective infomation digest by 2 author, and it really help me to think how to appreciate my diay life, especially in the beginning of Chinese New Year.

I like the story and mataphore about the Dayfly, and the Living Today as your Life sincerely, and I am very into the death warning mataphore the writer point out from there trip to Italy.

Picked up the new year eve dinner at Howard Plaza Hotel, it became a good business to them. very organized, we arrived home by 3:30 pm and Meiling preparing other hot dishes for our early dinner.

Red envolop is a bad habit in our family as the elder expecting money and the younger wish to spend her luxury life, no feeling to give at all, just a routine , a bad routine.

Meiling went to see my father in law after our early and quick dinner, she said the fortune teller predict that one of her parent will pass away in 3 years. well.

And I took time to watch one great film from PPS : The Blind Side, Sandra is a great actress and the true story is so touching, amazing encourging film, I can't complain the correctly of translation from PPS, if you follow the subtitle they traslated, you will be lost. it's 60 percent wrong, I have to be very concentrate on listing, good practice for me.

The New Year wish from Meiling is to sit at the coach watch TV until falling asleep, so Sound and I help her make her wish come true, we went up to bad after midnight... some new year greeting message flow in, I am not hurry to reply or response.

2010年2月12日 星期五

Day before year of the Tiger

I decided to take Sound to movies before Chinese New Year, the one day Indoor outing make our relationship even closer. Go to the movies on Chinese New Year is a routine I developed ( or perhaps most of Chinese ) for decades. I remembers when I was in high school / colleage, made appointment with Wei Kou Lieng and go to the movies together on Luner New Year was a tradition, after the first screeing, either he came to my house for lunch, or I did it the opposite way, then switch to dinner each other, it goes for years and the memory kept in my heart for years. Now, I had a new companion - Sound, I don't know how long this routine of new partner can last... I recalled a title of a book " The validation for parent and children relation is 10 years ", I am lucky to have the longest winter vacation in life and spend really quality time with Sound this winter.

We had a few plans in mind : go to one movie, take some new year gift from csr community office and go to another movie. when waited for the MRT, I discussed with Sound what is the appropriate way to do with the gift, he said we should leave it to csr community colleage since we were there pick up gift once already ( or twice ), we had this conversation yesterday, my response is " What if we found some gift fit his mother ? " we may keep it for our own and distribute rest of the gifts to others... finally, we agree on this is not a good way to handle this issue, if we left what we are no interested in, how will people think? not checking any gift, we won't have the preferance of taking any of them... Sound is mature enough to deal with this issue.

And he disclose 2 interesting thought to me, one is his business idea, he want to build companies, earn enough money, then hand it over to other and start to Play - enjoy what he is interested. my response to him is " The real case in life is, people don't really know what is Enough ? ", the second one is even he got married, he don't want to have any child, I asked why? he said to me that being buried in the over-complained world about kid problem, how can he dear to keep child of his own? Sound is talking about her mother's complain about Fruit all the time... and I paraphse him and asked : Now we know who ranking number on in our complain championship, right? " I though he will agree with me that Fruit is The most complained family member, to my surprise, Sound said grand mother is the champion? I don't have a clue why as we don't really talk, Sound is the only family member who will go to his grand mothers' room and chat / play with her... Sound then shared with me that Grand mother complain about not enough money all the time... I feel so sad when heard it, this is really a bad bad news to me. how come an old lady living in such a comfortable way don't feel enough? how come she never think why her son stop talking to her? I agreed that Meiling is a little bit too cynical, but the selfish of my mother build the wall between us.. if not because of Sound to disclose this information unintentionally, I will never understand that my mother still complain about me....Why I always been treated like a cash cow? it's been so many years. why and why...YES, now I am complain, I should not complain any more and jump in the pool of the family of complain.

Percy Jason , the movie is a good choice for Chinese New Year, it should be a big box office in Taiwan, Sound enjoyed it very much and asked if there's sequel. " Book of Eli " is an interested one, Sound and I figured out the book Eli covers in his back pack is Bible at the same time. the story is simply, but pretty powerful...I think there is certain religious support behind this movie.

consume too much meal while Sound at home, this is no good to me, I should not take father and son itimacy as an execuse, really.

2010年2月11日 星期四

Avatar and others

I started my day earlier yesterday, it was cause by the family routine " Quarrels between mother and daughter ". I have to move myself to the MRT station one hour before the meeting schedule. but I am OK, as I checked in one fruit shop and prepare 2 boxes of Wax Apple for seniors at Himalaya Foundation: Mr. Han and Mr. Kong.

Early lunch with Jasmine / Jay and Eugenia, Eugenia arrange the appointment at Honda, one of my favorite Japanese restaurant. a normal update and chat, Jay and Eugenia didn't mentioned anything about my 1000 share ( 10.000 investment ), Jay told me office will be ready after Chinese New Year , and I have a seat to stay. I hardly can recall what subject we went over at lunch, very loose and causal.. anyway. just lunch.

Follow the coffee with Louis and his sister Joshphe, Louis updated me his idea about Himalaya Foundation and how he met with Mr. Kong and inform his interest, my advise to Louis is : Keep Mr. Han in the loop and follow the legel procedure before inject any fund in the Foundation, as for me, I told Louis that he may inform both seniors that Roger support his idea, period.

Joshphe is an Avatar Master, which means she spent 28 days and about half a millions NT on the training before qualifed herself a Master. similar to Asia Work, Avatar promote the self concious in a mild way, according to Josehphen, Asia Work is a little bit violence. I tried to probe the business model these " Growth Group " inheret and come up with my finding:

This is a system of multi-layer sales , but the underline is intangeble service : self conseces and growth, HQ act as Central Kitchen provide classes, certification, tools and sales kits, then you develop your customer at your territory and come back recharge ( with charge ) for renewal or new product education. I took one book : mini course the 7 pillar and one DVD - a class VCR by founder of Avatar , Mr. Harry Palmer.

The price for selling Avatar basic is 75000 NT. not cheap, I don't think its a easy task, you can only get your client from those who at your circle of life. watched the DVD at night, to be honest, it not very attractive, Avatar have been there for 30 years ( since 1984 ), there must be some secret I havn't discovered yet.

Ren asked my help in connecting his web game company to Japan -- a bit of ridicious, he must forgot how he played with us a few months ago, when Yi Fang need to raise new fund, we were approched early and we committe to follow, but in the end, we were dumpped and he go with the strategic partner I recommended. and now, when need a new way of developing business, Ren came to me? am I too naive or too easy to forget those bloody lesson? why not asked his strategic partner to give them a hand? I don't really get it, of couse, I keep my gentle outfit as usual, put on a smile and said " Should, I will asked my friend in Japan ". Ren also need income stream, need job, he is been away from corporate for 6 months. interesting. I brief my task to him in a very surface status. the Only benefit from that coffee is get to be invited to their Monday Ping Pong exercise, this is good for me acturally.. People really forget about how they treat people when in need.

Taiping shen retreat is the title show today, 3 together without Fruit. we arrived at the peak Chieng Nan Temple ( The Japanese thrine before World World 2 ) by one oclock, I pick 3 bamboo strew for checking my future partner, 3 all fine, but with degree of greatness. Eric rank number one, Louis number 2 and Matthew is number 3... interestion ranking and intersing intepretation. on our way down the hill, I visited the just reopned Chi-Lan Forest Resort, I love this place especially when seeing all the Taiwness monkey greeing us in wild, what an amazing cheerful feeling. it uses to be a summer house for late President Chiang Kai Shek, surround by trees , river and mountains, great view, I think it is an OT project and now open to public now..Matthew should take a look at this resort, what is lack of is software. really.

Drove down to Yun Seng Town, we feel hungry and can't stop the courisity of checking on little place : Lin family duck farm. it's a Taiwaness Duck Range combine with restaruant and some educational activity. we were there by 4 pm and order 2 kinds of duck cuisine. the food is amazing good. so tasty. it make our Taipinshen retreat a perfect ending before drove through Shesne tunnel.

In Taiwan, one country, one specility become a successful model, we can see / eat / learn differt things at 319 county in Taiwan. take Yung Shen country as example : The Fat I Lan Duck, the fishball with rice noodle, pickles and preserve fruits are 3 major delicacy... it's lucky to be Taiwaness.

2010年2月10日 星期三

A race between Taiwanese and Chinese

Invited and seated at the Keelung River Alliance Preparatory kick off meeting yesterday at csr Community office. 30 minutes before the session, I had my VIAO wireless setting fixed, short chat with Celine and informed the close should be shut dowm by end of March -- according to Celine, Mr. Han inform Mr. Kong that he will move the office finally. if there's a perfect situation to describe what " Ultimate Letter " is, here we have the example. csr Community must move. and Celine didn't carry on her last conversation about closing the operation, pay back portion of the investment fund. I don't really mind, people changed, including me, if she wish to stick to where csr community is, I should support it.

The Kick Off was initative by Mr. Hochen himself, to my surprise, he memtioned that don't drag the liability to Chinese New Year, so the kick off finally took place, for those who were invited are Indivisuals in there own specility, a dynamic group Mr. Hochen wish to assemble for 6 months before officially trun it to an association or fundation. Celine and Ah Yu are prepared. Having attending many Hochen / Public Issue discussion, I kind of come out with a logic how Celine and Hochen behave in such meeting : Hochen will release his agenda, inviting others opinion, integrete missing part and lead to a conculsion broader but follow his thought. most of the time, Mr. Hochen will wrap up the meeting with a " To Do " reminder to everyone in the meeting.

and Celine: she will thinking simotemesly while everyone's talking and tackle on the Strategy in mind with a simply graphic - most of the time good one, her strategy in mind will be : Generate resource among all the ralated party and inject to one topic, Keep key stakeholder in mind, and create a Chinese vs Taiwanse competition and crisis awareness. it works all the time when it come to the " How we can loose the advance comparing and competition with China ? " and Mr. Hoche will turn his face red and produce energetic and encourging power. this is what I like it.

My role in such a meeting? well, pretty minor, to show my friendship support to Mr. Hochen consistenly and maybe come up with some marketing idea .. spending time with them were the value I can think of.

lunch with Yi Hwa for my insuracne status discussion, as a matter of fact, for almost 2 decades, I neglect in knowing my rights and benefit about insuracne, yesterday morning, after the short querral with Sound ( Yes, We did, when he turn a bad face to me while I am helping him doing his History homework ), I browse my insuracne online data and learn the situation:
1. Life coverage were around 10 millions NT. not many
2. Investment on insuracne is around 3 millions
3. from 2017, I can recieve 380000 cash as investment return till the day I die
4. next 2 years is the peak for my insurace payment, 400000 nt each year.

Yi Hwa suggest me to sell my house and I challenge her with their own property, this questioning don't let her feel comfortable. I know and I did it.

Receive 8 year end gift from YPOer, appreciate the routine those friends did for years. it rich my Chinese New Year.

The learing from present at new Forum : The Opposite of Listing is not Talking, is Waiting . what a insight..

2010年2月8日 星期一

Keep Waiting -- Keep Walking

I gave up the exercise idea at Regent in the morning before the new forum sit in lunch. I made the right decision as I don't have time to follow this initative. preparing and revising my presentation file and taking MRT to Regent Hotel, it was 10: 30. review what I going to said and mark footnote of my own, the time flew to 12:00.

Knocking the room 546 suit, the Forum Suit, I am glad to see Jocylee ane Ivory greeting me at the door, old friends from Regent VIP service, it was great to see them all the time, include the long time chief bartner - Jesse.

The What / Why and How to Retreat session presentation at the Forum lunch table went well, although I am not 100% agreed with David's " West Eat East " view point, but I think I managed my 30 minutes quite well and hopefully, the pilot retreat service can started with David's support.

Eric Tseng called in the morning and set up our coffee by 2:00 pm, it gave me no room for myself. I went to the IS coffee on An Ho road on the opsite side of Eslite bookstore Dun Nan store. Eric spend 30 minutes update the Health Supplyment company business and share with me how the thing going with Far East University - including drinks and the painting outcome. he set a good tone for coming up with a new partnership proposal -- never give up and knocking on everyones' door are what impressed me the most, this is Rric, who we belive will perform his come back show shortly. I knew he is interested in setting up another business domain - Entertainment, and I know he treat me as a rival 6 months ago when overheard I am on the same developing track, until a one month ago, he knew that I gave up the fund raising process, his attitude changed and I believe Danny smell something about the Win Win both Eric and me can strike... it lead to his proposal this afternoon. begin with a 6 months' project to exercise / rehears if the EVENT Domain entertainment is a good industry to jump. and if the stage we create worth the time and effort to continue-- and if to form a new company out of the project scope.

Eric sincerely wish me to openly describe what I think and want before we decided to go together again, I promise him to think it over and to provide him answer by the end of Chinese New Year holidays. the previous experience shed a bad influence to both of us, it taugh us we have to draw the line clear enought to see if we share the same value and I need to inform my need to him in advance as well. I am not going to be blur or fuzzy this time, thanks for " The little book about entreprenurship ", I better well draft what's in my mind and to lay out my way of rule / games.

Matthew share his dream again at Starbuck Eslite bookstore right after Eric's new partnerhsip invitation, he is sincree and asked me to come up with a risk discusstion table right after Chinese New Year. he really want to invite me as partner and conduct the feasibility study for 6 months.

My keep waiting lead to the 2 open discussion next week. now I better think how to make the following initative work in its own way : Louis Chen's Green and Executive Training / Jean Liu and her Moker management consulting / Forum Training .

And I need to spare time for helping Jay / Eugenia make less mistake in the new start up company.

As for David Du's partner gesture, I need to come up with something before telling him anything.

It seems like thera are tons of thing to think at the new year and to do right after the holidays...

Taipin Mountain, I am coming on Thursday.

2010年2月7日 星期日

From Paris with Love and Law Abiding Citizen

Today, Sundy, is father and son's film day, we finished watched the " Killing Point " mini movie together, it took us 6 hours to finish it. the mini movie deal with bank robbery, hostage, police and it came across many relations in between. an OK series. but we finished it and I took bicycling for almost 2 hours and reducing 550 caroles, a plus to watch the series.
after the series, I took Sound out, supposely , I decided to pick up Meiling for the roast duck dinner near by Nan Meng Market, however, Meiling bought her dinner already, so, I changed my mind and took Sound to local delicacy instead, whiling walked to the famous chain " Formosa Chang ", I found Sound is not talking and felt a little bit upset, I didn't know why until he opnened his mouth: Dad, every time when you hold my hand and walk, you push me to the wall", I didn't realized that the itimacy turn to an unpleasant experience to him and it reflect to my old habit walked with Meiling for the last 20 years. I took the left hand side positon always and hold her left hand with my right hand, she must suffered the against wall pushing for years... am I a man of ignorance? a person not caring enough? I apprecaite what Sound share with me, it kept me thinking for a long while and I told him if ever I did anything make him feel uncomfortable ( this is a new zone between comfort zone and danger ), he must told me, this is the only way to help me, a way to reducing my blind spot... another Johari Window learning to me.

We had great dinner at Formosa Chang, it's stew pork rice ( Ru Lo Fang ) is one of my favorite, although my health condition don't allow me to enjoy it too often, I can't help to reward myself after the long hour work out. on our way back home, we stop at the Xing Hai ? Xing Long cross road, I asked Sound if he found of going to the movie " From Paris with Love " with me, a big smile turn on his face. so we go for the theater, I told him before the screening that I once had dinner with Luc Besson - the genius director who establish his movie business : EUROPA, at times when he came to Taiwan promote his hit film : The Fifth Element. the movie is a new stly of spying movie, the first half of the movie dealing with many miniroty, to me, a little bit of race discrimination. and the latter part turn to be good gun - car racing action, this is what audience found of, and so do me and Sound.

Spending 3 days revise the Forum Retreat White Paper, the presentation file complete, but now, I should think hard, think how the group will appreciate my preach for bringing Certified Forum Facilitator and why it have to be me, and how my bridge to the Retreat will provide decent value to Forum... as this is an trial offer from David, I don't want to screw it up, the PP looks professional, and I am now review tons of Retreat inforamation , the well preparation is for tomorrow. I don't want to disappointed anyone, include me.

Law Abiding Citizen is a good movie, I enjoyed it very much, I took Meiling to the second round movie on Saturday, I memorize one of the line which means something to me: You Can't change the decision you made before, but to affect decisions you will make after.

Attending Intersoft board meeting on Friday morning at G.S.S. It's been a long while since I attended any offical Meetings, a little bit lost and a little bit found. I sensed that I am a man need relationship with corporation, network and co-work, this is me, love to work with people, on the last portion, I introduce KIVA to all the board members, it cause some interesed of them, interesting.

After the meeting, I went to New Civilization Bookstore waited for Kevin Lin, he send message and asked my comment about his Silk Road Expidition, then by 12 , the guy Richard showed up together with Kevin, he is the person who draw the plan, well I like the " THE " PROJECT ( The Home Expidition ) but honestly told him that the " Home " is kind of Political Correction , a Kiss my Ass in favor of China, but after Richard explained the HOME idea come before Silk road and is represted " EARTH ", then I have no objection to the them, then I also put out 2 points: one is change the Silk Worrier name and well plan the committe member, and suggested YOYO MA might be a good candidate as he is vern keen in Silk Road Project.. they like it and finally, Richard asked if I may introduce my connecting in China for them... finally, why Kevin don't do it himself, or to relay his request with me alone? or lay out his plan for the introduction machisim - forming a partnership or build a business relations. I don't really know but I am disappointed with Kevin's way of making thing happen - not directly and not honest about his intention, maybe he will be success in business world and to triumph in addtion to his expedition, maybe I am too naive about helping someone who is celebrity already.. only maybe, but I will take a step back to what I was thinking before - the coaching project together. time to think, twice or maybe three times.

While watched Law Abiding Citizen, Meiling advise me never took consultant as my career, it will not work, I told her this is the temporary solution only.. I don't have a clue what to do next now, really...

2010年2月3日 星期三

Return to my blogging days

To post blog is THE simply yet most discipline way of " routine " in correcting behavior, I am the perfect example of the " victim of bad-behavior ", I didn't post anything in 3 weeks. the longest I may recall since. now , it's the page of confession , to simply warning myself, to be discipline, I need to conduct a way of monitoring my diary life, and post a blog is the simples way to achieve it.

I didn't conduct any external activities for at least 10 days, the last assignment I can remembered is to help the " Lovely Taiwan Foundation " fine tune its proposal for bidding the Taitung Spot Light Project : a national infrusctrture initiative for developing tourism. Lulu is a great lady, she knows I am a free person and offer me this nice and simple task with a token of 10000 NT - The first income in Jan. 2010. I Haven;t got any pay check for one month, eating at home and counting on mortgage wasn't a smart move, however, now I am in the middle of nowhere, how can I repeat my fraught before, jumping on any floating wood as my safety guard.

A few thing I did good for the past 10 days - the period I refrain from contact with outside ( I know this is bad according to the book I read : 48 days, but you can't help yourself trapped in the Whirlpool and tried so hard to get yourself out of the hook ):
1. Exercise regularly, even not going out, I did cycling at home almost everyday.
2. no late for bad : woke up by 8:30 am latest and started my day by browsing healthy information online.
3. doing homework with Sound : not only accompany with him, brought him to Taichung overnight, but to stay at home with him, even without doing anything ( one thing we do together is buy iphone game : Home run 3D and try to improve our score and level, this is addictive fun for us )
4. no temper , no anxiety : expect nothing will happen before Chinese New Year, I am calm and used to what the silent world treat me.
5. reading : as usual, buy a few books such as : How to be free / Element / Little black book about entrepreneurship / rules of thumbs , these are great book to digest.

Meiling going to the health club everyday , I am a full time dad right now, she can't stand to stay home with me, I can sense her nervous and I know what worried her, but, to embrace a full-complete life now maybe the right choice, am I not aggressive enough to what I should pursue? I am not sure. but at this moment of time, not haste to regret.

as I read: if you can't turn back the clock for a better start, now you still got Chance for a perfect ending....

2010年1月13日 星期三


Coffee with Kevin Lin yesterday morning as Starbucks, this is a long break since I saw him, Kevin - as the world record keeper of Extreme Marathon is the guy who really want to climb to the top of his life, be an entrepreneur as his best, I didn't continue relationship with him due to his way of forming a PR / Event company which I am not favor of its nature : someone stealing corporate resource and turn it to his own and manipulate to a private company for their own interest... this is not what follow my Principal. now , I am ease with any business condition, as long as I am not one of them, to witness what happen in front of me won't get me allege anymore. this is why I initiative the call and tried to explore my idea of co-op with Kevin for the coaching-consulting development.

Kevin is doing good, according to his expression, and he is interested in what I proposed : to produce a multi-media enabled motivation speech with my Success D.N.A derive concept and package it to a multiple sales mechanism : Selling the Motivation Speech as a show, selling the coaching material as a tool, selling the community as a commercial endorsement, selling the certificate as the Central kiching but in service industry. Kevin is working on 2011 Silk Road Exploration, it well fit the time slot for the product and program development, although David Du is a bit hesitate about my idea, but I can smell the market and will like to kick off this program.

Met with Eugenia and we have a very long conversation, close to 3 hours, she share almost every detail of her growth, how she see the value in her, the family and some accidental development of her life, what surprise me the most is when learn the story about the acquainting between me and Celine, something touch or stitch to her heart. her eyes were wet. nevemind, I am happy to gain her back and be the partner in life and family family for good. her advise about 11 street consultation put me in the freezer, the analysis she made and share help me understand that the consultation to 11 street is a waste of time and it won't be a happy ending. which means, my estimate of 60000 income will be write off.. this really bother me.

in the afternoon, follow Sinyi for the land collateral process, Mr. Lin worked in sinyi for 20 plus years, a nice and professional person. he met me at Shin Kong Life Insurance Building , taken all the material then to Wan Han District office,now the first step of rearrange house mortgage is complete.

Fruit turn crazy and become hysteria late last night, broke things at the family bathroom again, I decided not to talk to her, really she is the pain in the ass, a real trouble which no one can believe. the hard time should gone in 2 years once she graduate from vocational senior high. I wish her mother can be ease then.